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Northwest Passages Book Club / The Spokesman-Review

Northwest Passages Book Club - Maggie Shipstead

Available from Auntie's Bookstore An unforgettable story of a daredevil female aviator determined to chart her own course in life, at any cost, "Great Circle" spans Prohibition-era Montana, the Pacific Northwest, Alaska, New Zealand, wartime London, and modern-day Los Angeles.


May 12, 2021, 7 p.m.

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Maggie Shipstead talks the ‘primordial soup’ of writing and her new novel ‘Great Circle’ at Northwest Passages Book Club

Maggie Shipstead’s “Great Circle” follows aviator Marian Graves through Prohibition-era Montana, the Pacific Northwest, Alaska, New Zealand, wartime London and beyond, as she charts her own course through life and love. Nearly a century later, actress Hadley Baxter is cast as Graves in a biopic chronicling the events leading up to and following her disappearance over Antarctica.

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