What happened: Ainsley Buchanan went 4 for 4 and had four RBIs and the Wildcats (22-3) defeated the Bulldogs in the 3A state third place game on Saturday. Ainsley Davis doubled and added two RBIs while Avery Erickson went 3 for 4 and recorded two more runs scored for Mt. Spokane.
Browning, Bischoff (3), Browning (5) and Bischoff, Raymond (3), Bischoff (5); Inners, Rodriguez (1) and Reyes. W-Browning. L-Rodriguez. HITS: MtS-Dressler 3, Davis 2, Boe, Bischoff, Browning 2, Jay, Buchanan 4, Houston, Erickson. Her-Serna, Rodriguez, Inners, Billsborough. 2B-Davis. 3B-Buchanan.