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Pomeroy 55, Touchet 45


Feb. 1, 2020, 5 p.m.
Winter 2019


Teams F
Pomeroy (5-13, 5-6) 55
Touchet (0-14, 0-10) 45

Current Standings as of Feb. 1, 2020

Team League Overall
Wins Losses Wins Losses
Oakesdale 9 1 15 3
Garfield-Palouse 9 1 13 5
Prescott 8 3 11 6
Pomeroy 5 6 5 13
St. John-Endicott/LaCrosse 4 6 6 12
Colton 1 9 1 17
Touchet 0 10 0 14

Next Games for Touchet

Teams Date Time Sport
McLoughlin 66, Touchet 39 Feb. 5, 2020 7:30 p.m. Boys Basketball
St. John-Endicott/LaCrosse 44, Touchet 31 Feb. 11, 2020 6:30 p.m. Boys Basketball

Next Games for Pomeroy

Teams Date Time Sport
Garfield-Palouse 55, Pomeroy 38 Feb. 7, 2020 7 p.m. Boys Basketball
Pomeroy 56, St. John-Endicott/LaCrosse 33 Feb. 13, 2020 6 p.m. Boys Basketball
Garfield-Palouse 54, Pomeroy 33 Feb. 15, 2020 6 p.m. Boys Basketball
Prescott 53, Pomeroy 41 Feb. 21, 2020 4:30 p.m. Boys Basketball