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Lakeside (ID) 53, Wallace 19


Feb. 7, 2012, midnight
Lakeside/Wallace Play In Game
Winter 2011


Teams 1 2 3 4 F
Lakeside (ID) (7-7, 5-1) 6 15 14 18 53
Wallace (6-8, 3-2) 5 7 3 4 19


Lakeside (ID)

Louie 5, Duncan-Hall 3, Davis 13, Whaley 6, R Haynes 2, Miller 7, Nilson 7, Hendrickx 4, Wakan 6, Shamburg 0.


Hill 2, Woody 0, Dire 4, Nelson 4, Pehan 0, J. Simmons 0, Denson 3, Browning 5, K. Simmons 1.

Current Standings as of Feb. 7, 2012

Team League Overall
Wins Losses Wins Losses
Clark Fork 2 0 8 2
Lakeside (ID) 5 1 7 7
Wallace 3 2 6 8
Mullan 1 4 1 6
Kootenai 1 5 3 12

Next Games for Lakeside (ID)

Teams Date Time Sport
Troy 57, Lakeside (ID) 31 Feb. 11, 2012 1 p.m. Girls Basketball