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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Candidates on the issues: 6th District state representative position 2

  • Do you support the state Building Codes Council decision to mandate heat pump installation in all new commercial construction and multifamily homes?

    • Jenny Graham No.
    • Michaela Kelso Yes, but only if there is also help for low-income individuals who want to own a home.
  • Do you support the plan to ban the sale of some new vehicles with internal combustion engines by 2015?

    • Jenny Graham No.
    • Michaela Kelso In favor of banning internal combustion cars but that it is “an ambitious goal.”
  • Do you support a capital gains tax?

    • Jenny Graham No.
    • Michaela Kelso Yes.
  • Do you support Washington’s new cap-and-trade program and low carbon fuel standard, both set to go into effect next year?

    • Jenny Graham No.
    • Michaela Kelso Undecided, but in general does not like cap-and-trade programs as they are “rife for abuse” from companies.
  • Do you believe climate change is a key factor in the devastating wildfires across the West in recent years?

    • Jenny Graham Said climate plays a role, but that not managing the state’s forests is a larger contributor.
    • Michaela Kelso Yes.
  • Do you think the governor’s emergency powers should be reformed?

    • Jenny Graham Absolutely.
    • Michaela Kelso Maybe. Said she would support limiting to the point that a state of emergency is revisited every once in a while.
  • Do you support Washington’s police reform laws passed in the last two years? (If not, what would you like to see changed?)

    • Jenny Graham No.
    • Michaela Kelso Yes.
  • Do you support Washington’s current abortion regulations (up to 24 weeks gestation)?

    • Jenny Graham Said she supported the will of the people, who voted on Washington’s abortion law in 1970. Would not say if she would support legislation to limit abortion, only that if voters came back to the Legislature and wanted it, she would support it.
    • Michaela Kelso Yes. Would not support legislation to limit abortion access.