Candidates on the issues: Rod Higgins and James “JJ” Johnson
Should Spokane Valley have its own police department instead of contracting with the Spokane County Sheriff's Office?
- Rod Higgins Not right now, but it could be necessary in the future
- James "JJ" Johnson No
Should Spokane Valley incorporate annual road maintenance into its general budget?
- Rod Higgins No, but necessary right now because no alternative
- James "JJ" Johnson Yes
Should Spokane Valley have a homeless shelter within city limits?
- Rod Higgins Preferably no, but it's probably unavoidable.
- James "JJ" Johnson It should be considered.
Are you in favor of City Council's recent decisions to buy land for parks and trails expansion?
- Rod Higgins Not entirely opposed, but shouldn't have bought Flora Road property during pandemic.
- James "JJ" Johnson Yes
Do you agree with the Spokane Public Health board's decision last fall to fire Dr. Bob Lutz?
- Rod Higgins Yes
- James "JJ" Johnson Unsure, because too little information about decision made public.
What does Spokane Valley need more: Single family housing or multi-family housing?
- Rod Higgins Single-family
- James "JJ" Johnson Either, the city needs owner-occupied housing.
Are you in favor of Gov. Jay Inslee's mask and vaccine mandates?
- Rod Higgins No
- James "JJ" Johnson Yes, unfortunately they've been necessary to save lives.
Would you support a city mandate requiring all Spokane Valley employees to get vaccinated?
- Rod Higgins No
- James "JJ" Johnson Yes, for employees who can't work remotely and don't have religious or medical exemptions