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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Candidates on the issues: Ben Wick and Brandon Fenton

  • Should Spokane Valley have its own police department instead of contracting with the Spokane County Sheriff's Office?

    • Ben Wick No
    • Brandon Fenton No
  • Should Spokane Valley incorporate annual road maintenance into its general budget?

    • Ben Wick Yes
    • Brandon Fenton Yes, but spend less on road maintenance
  • Should Spokane Valley have a homeless shelter within city limits?

    • Ben Wick No
    • Brandon Fenton No
  • Are you in favor of City Council's recent decisions to buy land for parks and trails expansion?

    • Ben Wick Yes
    • Brandon Fenton No
  • Do you agree with the Spokane Public Health board's decision last fall to fire Dr. Bob Lutz?

    • Ben Wick Yes
    • Brandon Fenton Yes, but firing may have been illegal.
  • What does Spokane Valley need more: Single family housing or multi-family housing?

    • Ben Wick Both
    • Brandon Fenton Single-family
  • Are you in favor of Gov. Jay Inslee's mask and vaccine mandates?

    • Ben Wick Masks yes, vaccines no.
    • Brandon Fenton No
  • Would you support a city mandate requiring all Spokane Valley employees to get vaccinated?

    • Ben Wick No
    • Brandon Fenton No