Candidates on the issues: Mike Lish and Zack Zappone
Do you support adding fluoride to Spokane's water?
- Mike Lish Lish believes it should be up to the voters.
- Zack Zappone Zappone did not commit, saying the city first needs to look at the research. He will listen to science and the voters, he said.
Do you support eliminating single family zoning?
- Mike Lish Lish supports “enhancing” single family zoning, but not eliminating it.
- Zack Zappone, Democratic challenger Not across the board. Zappone does support expanding density along the city’s designated centers and corridors.
Do you believe city employees should be required to be vaccinated?
- Mike Lish Lish would encourage them to get vaccinated, but “it’s their choice.”
- Zack Zappone Zappone said the City Council should defer to Mayor Nadine Woodward.
Do you believe the city should implement a plan to ban natural gas from new construction?
- Mike Lish No. Lish is concerned about the cost of heating the home with electric power.
- Zack Zappone The city is not at the point where it can ban natural gas connections, but it needs to be looking at transitioning to sustainable energy sources, Zappone said.
Would you have voted in favor of the most recent Spokane Police Guild contract?
- Mike Lish Lish believes he would have voted for it, but he has not read the entire document.
- Zack Zappone Yes.
Is the police department adequately funded?
- Mike Lish No, Spokane has a small force for a city its size and he would like to see all vacant positions filled. It may require more money to do so.
- Zack Zappone The City Council has done a good job of funding the police and offers competitive wages, but the city needs to to ensure the department’s leaders are recruiting for it, Zappone said.
Should a City Council member view their role as a full-time job?
- Mike Lish No.
- None The city is growing and has many challenges, so it requires representatives who can dedicate the time and energy to meet those challenges, Zappone said.
Do you support changing downtown Spokane’s one-way streets to two-way?
- Mike Lish Has not considered it.
- Zack Zappone, Democratic challenger Zappone wants to explore ways the city can promote vibrancy downtown and improve the experience for people, which could include things like changing two-way streets to one-ways and adding bike lanes.