Lewis and Clark High School Class of 2010
The 432 members of the class of 2010
- Emily Katerina Baker
- Winston Samuel Baker
- Arlander Barnett
- Deandre Barnett
- Kandyce K Barnett
- Ryan M Bartlett
- Phenix Dalton Beach
- Megan Bech
- Michael James Beckstead
- Conor Scott Beschel
- Nolan James Biggerstaff
- Morgan Terryl Black
- Silvan Emmaneul Blaesi
- Mary M Blevins
- Callen M Bley
- Michael a Bond
- Nicholas D Bontrager
- Ethan Dakota Booker
- Isaac Paul Borek
- Hayley V Bostrom
- Sarah Nicole Boyd
- Marissa Lyne Bracey
- Kiley Brake
- Alicia Lynn Brandkamp
- William Howlett Breckenridge
- Haley Kaye Brinjones
- Cameron Josef Brow
- Garmai Eyamide Browne
- Arrol Graham Bryant
- Chandler Lee Bryant
- Marshall Curtis Bryceson
- Daisy E Burke
- Austin D Burr
- Sarah J Busby
- George Stewart Cady
- Hanna Victoria Calbick
- Keaghan Caldwell
- Andrew M Campbell
- Alexis Nicole Carr
- Nicholas Gideon Carr
- Mary Elyse Cartwright
- Drew Daniel Castellaw
- Alejandro Castillo
- Christopher Chappel-Hamre
- Jacob K Childs
- Maria Chumov
- Jeffrey Daniel Clark
- Lauren R Clark
- Emily Frances Clary
- Tiera Dawn Cominos
- Felicia Marie Conklin
- Jessica Suzanne Conrad
- Andrew J Copley
- Kirstin Marie Craig
- Paige E Cram
- Kenneth Jace Crawford
- Celeste M Crosby
- Natalie Caitlin Cross
- Danielle Boggan Crowley
- Curtis James Curry
- Brandon Scott Dale
- Hilary a Davis
- Stanley Howard Davis
- Holly Elizabeth Davisson
- Viktoriya K Davydchyk
- Kathryn Paige Deandre
- Gabrielle P Deede
- Samuel Taylor Delaney
- Cody Christopher Delistraty
- Anatoliy K Demko
- Maris M Digiovanni
- Delaney Nicole Dittman
- Mary a Dombrowski
- Thomas Leon Joseph Dore
- Clayton Florian Douglas
- Mackenzie Grace Driscoll
- Charlotte Maxine Dubiel
- Nathan Andrew Dunken
- James Alec Dunlap
- Taylor James Dunlap
- David Elliott Dussome
- Adam Garcia
- Joseph Ray Gardipee
- Hanna M Gay
- Michael James Gebhart
- Mario Andre George
- Melissa Michelle George
- Shelbi Lynne George
- Nina Rosemarie Gerber
- David Gimlett
- Larissa Ann Gimlett
- Nicolas Valentino Gonzalez
- Owen Shade Goodall
- Ariel Goodwin
- Daniel Paris Gore
- David Gorton
- Kelvin Len Grant
- Shelby Nicole Grant
- Alexandra Greenwood
- Jesse Vondell Gresham
- Katie Rose Gross-Pattison
- Eric Manuel Grossman
- Mary Elisabeth Guenther
- Brandon S Guilford
- Peter Jeffrey Gullickson
- Kari L Gullotto
- Karl Erb Gunselman
- Casey Larae Gustafson
- Mackenzie Elizabeth Gwinn
- Justin Harrison Haase
- Justine Marie Hall
- Lauren Jane Hall
- Brianna Diane Halus
- Taylor-Anne Mae Hammond
- Leanne M Haney
- Allyson Rae Hanson
- Sawyer Q Hardesty
- Leisha Harkey
- Derek M Harrison
- Jordan Fay Harshbarger
- Jennifer M Hartman
- Tyler Nathaniel Hartman
- Kendall Haworth
- Rachel Head
- Kathleen L Heiskell
- Sabrina Marie Hill
- Claire Frances Hoffman
- Kirsten Nicole Hogstad
- Steven Hohenstein
- Nicholas Shane Holcomb
- Austin Miles Holzer
- Aleda La'chelle Honablue
- Brian Hooper
- Abby R Houser
- Evan W Howell
- Erica Lynette Howie
- Jonathan T Hucke
- Keinyn Wesley Hudson
- Ryan M Hunt
- Sean J Hurst
- Sam Hylton
- Sean Tyler Kass
- Janelle Kay
- Louis Edward Kay
- Tyler Joseph Kellogg
- Elizabeth Winn Kennedy
- Elyssa Kerr
- Shante Kidd
- Alexandra Rose Kidwell
- Rebecca Elizabeth King
- Moritz H Kohl
- Lilia Kondo
- Danyl V Kovalyov
- Olena V Kovalyova
- Ingelise Ditlev Kozora
- Nicholas Andrew Krom
- Aureljan Kronaj
- Robin R Kuharski
- Laura Hannele Kylmanen
- Spencer Ladd
- Logan C Lamson
- Ellie Hedge Larocca
- Nicole Kazumi Larson
- Robert Sherman Larson
- Zoe Michelle Larzelier
- Quinn Michael Lawlor
- Ashley Rachel Leach
- Chloe Marie Ledwith
- David Edward Lee
- else Janine Lindsey
- Nicholas Ryan Lindsey
- Garrick Adrian Little
- Vanessa Marie Llanto
- John M Loft
- Hope Marie Logan
- Vanessa M Lopez
- Alex Louie
- James D Lucas
- Airon H Lynch
- Amber Rachelle Mackin
- Brian R Magnuson
- Andrea Mieko Martin
- Joshua J Martin
- Madison Rose Martin
- Ena Martincic
- Julie Martz
- Troinell Dawon Mason
- Kayla Muerial Mateer
- Caitlynn R Mathis
- Mark Alan Matthews
- Edda W Mbugua
- Nicholas James Mcconnell
- Joshua James Mccoy
- Tate Mckenzie
- Madison M Mcleod
- Chelsea a Mcluen
- Singeru Melio Meippen
- Amy V Mejia
- Crystal Mekdarasack
- Jacob E Mellick
- Elizabeth Kelsey Mick
- Claire Rene Miller
- Sasha Marie Mitchell
- Mckenzie Cross Momany
- Kyle W Mongan
- Colin M Morin
- Damon Malon Morris
- Alexandra B Morrison
- Brandon David Moss
- Kongmeng Moua
- Jacob William Mouser
- Brian Stuart Myers
- Jennifer Myklebust
- Christa Marie Paolucci
- Kylie Kathryn Parker
- Austin Patrick Parrish
- Natalie K Parrish
- Kendall Claire Pavey
- Matthew Tyler Philipps
- Nanette Elizabeth Phillips
- Moses Cin Sian Piang
- Kourtney L Pickens
- Jose Mario Bello Pineda
- Travis Emory Pitcher
- Meghan Plastino
- Cameron Sage Poland
- Anastasiya Poplavska
- Cherae T Potter
- Kevin Laurier Preiksaitis
- Faith Rebecca Proctor
- Weston Brooks Prouty
- Adriana Puig Mate
- Nathan Purdum
- Bennett Frances Rahn
- Charlynn Elva Rauch
- Christopher T Raver
- Alexander Rice
- Katherine Ridley
- Kendra Ann Robinson
- Sarah Magdalene Robinson
- Jamey Lorine Robnett-Conover
- Alexander M Roetcisoender
- Savannah B Rogalski
- Victoria Aleksandera Rogozina
- Tanya Roncevic
- Christopher K Rose
- Kyrstin Marie Rose
- Jonathan Robert Ross
- Joshua Michael Rowbotham
- Lina V Rusavuk
- Roman V Rusavuk
- Lauren Rush
- Andrew James Rustemeyer
- Michael Sanmiguel
- Donaciano Santos
- Silas John Savitz
- Allison Jane Sayles
- Mckenzie Anne Schnell
- Samuel a Schnell
- Portia R Schuller
- Samantha Lynn Schulte
- Timitri Marshon Scisum
- Caitlin Christine Scott
- Alexis Sells
- Karen a Severs
- Sean Young Severt
- Nicole M Shaw
- William C Shelton
- Claire S Shields
- Christina J Shore
- Danil a. Shulipa
- Beslynn M Sichiro
- Richelle Joan Signer
- Connor Thomas Simpson
- Aimee Catherine Skaer
- Elizabeth Nicole Skaer
- Hillary Jean Skaer
- Jennifer Eden Skinner
- Megan Slaten
- John Mcbrian Slater
- Roman M Slider
- Armin Smajic
- Duncan R Smith
- Marcus Smith
- Samantha Shea Smithley
- Shelby N Smyly
- Brian Snow
- Jeffrey J Sommers
- Daniel Lee Souza
- Alexander Joseph Sowder
- Emilie L Sowers
- Micah Sky Spiegel
- Emmet W Stackelberg
- Parker Stafford
- April Lynn Stahl
- Tanner M Steffan
- Nathan Stephens
- David Stewart
- Savannah L Stewart
- Jade Aura Stoughton
- Alixondria J Strobeck
- Nicholas S Strobelt
- Ayla Rae Suiter
- Gregory Thomas Sullivan
- Jaylene Darnell Sullivan
- Sean I Swanson
- Samantha Whitney Swenson
- Joseph John Taitano
- Ellen Christine Taylor
- Levi Fitzgerald Taylor
- Garret L Thomas
- Michael David Thomas
- Amanda Thompson
- Margaret S. Thompson
- Maggie Thornton
- Forest Manitov Yarro Thunder
- Pavel Tishchenko
- Hannah Marie Toliver
- Shannon M Tolliver
- Willow Rose Tomeo
- Marly G Traver
- Jeffrey Webster Tremaine
- Vadim Y Troyanovskiy
- Mariah F Tso
- Veronika R Tsuchiya
- Justin Benjamin Walker
- Lianne N Walker
- Geoffrey Waller
- Andie Lauren Watling
- Reece G. Webb
- Elizabeth Ann Webster
- Ryan Weech
- Stanley Alexander Welpton
- Sonja Marie Whichelow
- Katie Jo White
- Elise Maureen Whitney
- Megan Anne Wiese
- Todd Owen Wilhelm
- Tyler Rolfe Will
- Holly Kathryn Williams
- Peter Williams
- Amanda Ashley Willis
- Emily Marie Willoughby
- David Andrew Wilson
- Brandon Michael Winham
- Timothy Witter
- Alexa M Wolford
- Andrew Elliot Wood
- Sara Jane Woolever
- Samantha Rae Ann Wyckoff