Westview Elementary School's annual egg drop challenge
Westview Elementary School hosted their annual egg drop challenge, Tuesday, June 15, 2021, in Spokane. Firefighters from Station 13 assisted with dropping the 156 egg chambers from a height of 35 feet to test which structures could protect the eggs from the fall.
Spokane firefighter Derek Phillips drops a pillowcase chamber as Westview Elementary School fifth-grade students watch the annual egg drop challenge Tuesday in Spokane.
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Westview Elementary School first-graders get a front row seat for the annual egg drop challenge on Tuesday.
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A balloon egg chamber is launched during the Westview Elementary SchoolÕs annual egg drop challenge, Tuesday, June 15, 2021, in Spokane. Firefighters from Station 13 assisted with dropping the 156 egg chambers from a height of 35 feet to test which structures could protect the eggs from the fall.
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Spokane Fire Dept. Cpt. Mike Johnson hands up to the ladder some of the 156 chambered eggs for the annual Westview Elementary SchoolÕs egg drop, Tuesday, June 15, 2021, in Spokane. Firefighters from Station 13 assisted with dropping the eggs from a height of 35 feet to test which structures ccould protect the eggs from the fall.
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At left: Spokane Firefighter Drew Johnson helps inspect Westview Elementary School first-grade student Karah Ives’ egg chamber Tuesday. Karah’s egg did not break.
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Westview Elementary School fifth-graders
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Spokane firefighter Derek Phillips launches a flamingo egg chamber during the Westview egg drop challenge.
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Westview School first grader Kendall West carries away her egg chamber structure after competing in the annual egg drop challenge, Tuesday, June 15, 2021, in Spokane. Firefighters from Station 13 assit with dropping the 156 egg chambers from a height of 35 feet to test which structures could protect the eggs from the fall.
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Above: Damaged egg chambers are discarded after failing from 35 feet.
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