James McAllister, an electrician with Vector Electric, works to wire in fixtures on Wednedsay for the still-under-construction new Hope House women’s shelter at Hope House, Wash.
Tyler Tjomsland The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
A completed apartment in the still-under-construction new Hope House women's shelter is displayed on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, at Hope House, Wash.
Tyler Tjomsland The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
The new Hope House women’s shelter features Nichiha panels which looks like wood but is actually a high-performance fiber cement seen on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, at Spokane, Wash.
Tyler Tjomsland The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
Ruben Covey, a superintendent with the Inland Group, chats with Rae-Lynn Barden, a Marketing and Comms Director for Volunteers of America, as they tour the still-under-construction new Hope House women's shelter on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, at Hope House, Wash.
Tyler Tjomsland The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
Ruben Covey, a superintendent with the Inland Group, shows off a Chris Bovey mural depicting the bygone Spokane restaurant: "The Shack," the site of which the still-under-construction new Hope House women's shelter is built, on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, at Hope House, Wash.
Tyler Tjomsland The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
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