Then and now: Aubrey L. White Parkway
The road through Riverside State Park was named the Aubrey L. White Parkway in 1936 after a bookish young man from New Jersey with a head for business and a love of gardening.
A car travels along the Spokane River on Downriver Drive, which turns into the Aubrey L. White Parkway through nearby Riverside State Park, in 1948. White (1869-1948) was a tireless crusader for bigger and better parks for the city of Spokane and was the city’s park board director from 1907 to 1921.
David C. Guilbert Washington Department Of Conservation And Development
A car travels on Downriver Drive on Thursday, May 7, 2020, near the point where the road turns into the Aubrey L. White Parkway, named after a tireless crusader for bigger and better parks in the Spokane area. White argued, cajoled, horse-traded and was called “gentle yet aggressive” in his pursuit to preserve open space for parks.
Jesse Tinsley The Spokesman-Review
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