White Elephant
For over 70 years the White Elephant has been serving the Spokane community. The beloved store was founded by John Conley and his wife Mary.
Pat Conley gives a pat to “Elie the Elephant” after unloading her in the White Elephant parking lot on Division Street in Spokane. The structure was built for the valley store, but just recently arrived and won't be installed before they close the stores.
Dan Pelle The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
After a 74-year run, Pat, Mary and Rich Conley will be closing the White Elephant store.
Dan Pelle The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
Long-time White Elephant customer Gene Daily, left, visits with Jeanne Deibert, the sister of owner Rich Conley, rear center, Friday, June 5, 2020 on Division Street in Spokane. Daily was searching for fishing supplies.
Dan Pelle The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
First-time White Elephant customer Charles Hanson searches for a new spinning reel, Friday, June 5, 2020, at the Division Street store. He has just moved to Spokane from Arizona. After 74 years, the White Elephant will be closing their doors.
Dan Pelle The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
Pat Conley (standing with beard) with brother Rich Conley, (seated) and mother Mary Sr., seated. This photo was of an elephant made to go on top of the Spokane Valley store. Photo was taken June 2, 2020. Pat, Rich and May Conley are the co-owners of the two White Elephant stores. Photo by Kelcey Boyce
Kelcey Boyce Kelcey Boyce
Storefront in 1950.
Conley Family Conley Family
John Conley in a family photo with his sons Rich and Ed.
Conley Family Conley Family
Mary and John Conley show off their catch in 1950.
Conley Family Conley Family
Mary and John Conley sin 2009.
Conley Family Conley Family
Rich Conley in 1980.
Conley Family Conley Family
White Elephant employees after Christmas trip to Hawaii.
Conley Family Conley Family
Line for Teddy Ruxpin in 1985.
Conley Family Conley Family
In this Aug. 19, 2009 photo, Jerry Purkey with Tri-State Sign Company lifts a repaired fiberglass elephant back onto its perch atop the White Elephant store in Spokane Valley, Wash. . Suffering the effects of age, the elephant needed reinforcing, patching up and repainting. Improvements include mounting a ball on the end of the trunk and adding lighting behind the eyes. Store owner John Conley bought the display elephant in 1974 from the Armour Meat Packing plant after it closed.
Colin Mulvany The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
In this Nov. 27, 2019 photo, customers shop at White Elephant in Spokane Valley.
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
In this Nov. 27, 2019 photo, He-Man Masters of the Universe is photographed at White Elephant in Spokane Valley.
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
In this Dec. 21, 2018 photo, a Nativity scene is photographed in on the front overhang of White Elephant in Spokane Valley.
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
In this Nov. 27, 2019 photo, Caroline Blumenkrantz of Spokane Valley shops with her mother Sarai at White Elephant in Spokane Valley.
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
In this Dec. 21, 2018 photo, Savannah Baker carries her little brother Hunter McCutcheon and his twin sister Laycie through White Elephant in Spokane Valley. The three are from Alaska and are in town visiting their grandparents.
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
In this Dec. 5, 2011 photo, second and third generation of the Conley family stand outside the iconic store on North Division for a family photo. From left are Ben Conley with his father Pat and Rich Conley with his daughter Katie Conley Mustered.
Christopher Anderson The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
In this Dec. 5, 2011 photo, the second and third generation of the Conley family stand outside the iconic store on North Division for a family photo. From left are Rich Conley with his daughter Katie Conley Mustered, and Ben Conley with his father Pat.
Christopher Anderson The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
In this Dec. 5, 2011 photo, the second and third generation of the Conley family stand outside the iconic store on North Division for a family photo. From left are Rich Conley with his daughter Katie Conley Mustered, and Ben Conley with his father Pat.
Christopher Anderson The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
In this Nov. 2010 photo, the Spokane Valley landmark White Elephant sit's atop the White Elephant store on Sprague. After being restored, the famous display was returned to it's perch. It was originally at the old Nat Park in Spokane.
J. Bart Rayniak The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
In this 2010 photo, Santa stands proudly in the parking lot at the White Elephant store on East Sprague in the Spokane Valley waving his hand at passersby.
J. Bart Rayniak The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
In this 1989 photo, people shop for toys at the White Elephant.
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People shop for White Elephant toys in 1989.
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Bobby Lee O'Grady, son of Royce and Harriette O'Grady, ponders the variety of fishing gear at a White Elephant store in 1988.
Steve Thompson The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
People line up for opening of White Elephant Surplus Store in 1979.
Wes Cameron Sr
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