Then and Now: Veradale, Washington
The three-square-mile property in the Spokane River valley was named for founder Donald K. McDonald's daughter, Vera.
1941: An early strip of commercial buildings in Vera, Washington, which was later renamed Veradale, is shown, inclding a Rainbow Gasoline station and Hultman’s Market. Building contractor and businessman August Hultman and his wife, Anna, ran the gas station and grocery store from 1924-41. Since then, many different businesses, including the Veradale Post Office, have used these buildings, which run from 15112 to 15120 E. Sprague Ave. in Spokane.
Spokane Valley Heritage Museum
Present day: This very early strip of commercial buildings, built between 1924 and the mid-1930s, was once the business center of Vera, Washington, in an era when East Sprague Avenue was mostly agricultural. The area was later renamed Veradale. The buildings sit on the 15100 block of East Sprague Avenue. Today, the former gas station, feed store and grocery market hold a print shop, locksmith, barber shop and café, among other small businesses.
Jesse Tinsley The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
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