Faces of the pandemic
Masks traditionally hide the face, but for this portrait series, Colin Mulvany found humanity behind the mask. Each obscured face, each set of eyes, tells a different story. Whether it be anxiety about their jobs, school, childcare, or elderly parents. Some had purpose in their eyes, having fully embraced the upheaval of their lives, knowing this pandemic, like other challenges in life, too shall pass.
Sharon Sedgwick photographed with grandson Kai, age 5. Sedgwick, who lives in Idaho, has been staying with her daughter in Spokane to help out where she can. “We’re doing OK,” said Sedgwick. “We did curbside pick up from Michaels and got a ton of paints, crafts and stuff. We’re also digging in the garden outside.”
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Behind the scenes shot for Faces of the Pandemic. Wearing her mask, Jill Andrus made a quick stop at Traders Joe’s in Lincoln Heights to pick up some flowers for a family friend’s birthday. “Its (the coronavirus pandemic) created a lot of time for family that I did not expect,” said Andrus. “It’s actually the longest I have been home in about two years. It’s nice to see my parents more than a usually do and to make sure they are being taken care of.”
Colin Mulvany The Spokesman-Review
Wearing her mask, Jill Andrus made a quick stop at Trader Joe’s in Lincoln Heights to pick up some flowers for a family friend’s birthday. “It’s (the coronavirus pandemic) created a lot of time for family that I did not expect,” Andrus said. “It’s nice to see my parents more than I usually do and to make sure they are being taken care of.”
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LaVaine Tate: “I’m just taking it easy one day at a time. Staying out of the way and using these masks. Hopefully (the pandemic) will end soon. It has been a long 30 days cooped up in the house, but it brings everyone together – focusing on what is important.”
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Julie Western: “It has been a stressful day today, but it has also forced us to be more connected through Zoom, text and phone.”
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Veronica Mshar: “It has been kind of surreal. I wouldn’t believe I would be sewing masks. I hate sewing.”
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Peyton Montgomery, 11: “It’s been pretty scary, considering I have asthma. It’s nice that I have a mother who can make these masks so we can stay safe.”
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Dave Mowry, a cardiac ICU nurse at Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center, says outside of work he has been feeling stir-crazy, but at work there is care that needs to be given.
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Erin Walsh, with daughters Lauren, 9, and Grace, 12, made a quick trip to Trader Joe’s on Tuesday. “We are spending a lot of outside time while it is nice,” Walsh said. “The teachers have been great keeping up with schoolwork, and the girls use Zoom to keep up with friends and classmates.”
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Pam Magana is a small-business owner. “I do in-home day care. All of my parents are teachers, so I haven’t had any kids in my day care,” Magana said.
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Niesje Maccini: “We’ve been faring OK. I’ve got a 2-year-old at home and one on the way, due in August. I’m hoping this will be somewhat over by then. We’ve been doing a lot of painting projects around the house and my 2-year-old keeps me on my toes.”
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Nizhoni Hodge has been making masks for family and friends, and ventured out to buy fabric after a shipment of elastic bands arrived at home. “My tribe is the Navajo Nation and they are experiencing high rates of coronavirus and death,” Hodge said.
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“I’m isolating while furloughed from work,” Dave Finney said. He’s been doing projects around the house and was masked up while visiting Ace Hardware on South Regal Street to buy some parts for a sink he is installing in his garage.
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Olivia Zucker, age 14: “I have been doing a lot of cooking and baking to fill my time. I have also been going out in nature, taking walks and eating breakfast outside. I have been trying to enjoy my time alone.”
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Terri and Jon Zucker: “I (Terri) am a cancer patient and we have to be very careful. We are taking a lot of precautions. Everything is wiped down repeatedly.”
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Matthew Sherlaw is a medical student at University of Washington School of Medicine and has been studying and staying home during Gov. Jay Inslee’s “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” order. When he goes out he wears the Skida mask he bought from a small business in Vermont.
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Wearing a self-made face mask, Tiana Tate lines up outside Joann Fabrics to buy material to make more masks. “After I do my regular job all day, I’ve been making masks and trying to help the community protect themselves while protecting others,” Tate said.
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Chloe Spedden: “I’m a student at Washington State and the transition to online classes is definitely harder than I thought it would be. The lack of face-to-face interaction makes it a lot harder to ask questions. In class you can just raise your hand to get an answer, but over email, there is a gap that can take several hours to get my questions answered.” Spedden is an education major.
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“I’m adjusting” to the new normal of being an essential worker, said Galen Seiler, a paint department manager at Ace Hardware on South Regal Street.
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Cassie Russell: “I’m a teacher, so not being able to be around my students is difficult, but whatever it takes to keep them safe is all that I care about.” Russell is an eighth-grade student teacher at Cheney Middle School.
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Sheri Poulson stands in a line outside Joann Fabrics in Lincoln Heights to buy a sewing machine after hers broke down after making masks. “I have a brother-in-law who works with the public and would like a few masks to feel better,” Poulson said.
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