Spirit Lake growth
In the North Idaho town of Spirit Lake growth has come to a halt with a sewer moratorium that has stopped building permits from being issued for more than two years.
Buck the dog waits for his owner on Main Street in Spirit Lake, Idaho on Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2019. Spirit Lake has a building ban in the city limits due their sewer being at capacity.
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Spirit Lake Mayor Renee Eastman gives a tour of the sewer expansion on Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2019. Spirit Lake has a building ban in the city limits due to their sewer being at capacity.
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New homes at the corner of 10th Ave. and Washington Street in Spirit Lake are photographed on Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2019. Spirit Lake has a building ban in the city limits due to their sewer being at capacity.
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Folks enjoy a swim at Spirit Lake on Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2019. Spirit Lake has a building ban in the city limits due to their sewer being at capacity.
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Plans for the Spirit Lake wastewater treatment plant are on display at City Hall on Wednesday, Aug.28, 2019. Spirit Lake has a building ban in the city limits due to their sewer being at capacity.
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