Downtown Spokane dog park
Along with a nearby plaza above a new combined sewer overflow tank, a new dog park was built on a triangle traffic island bounded by Riverside Ave., Sprague Ave. and Adams St. The tiny park and the plaza above the Adams St. combined sewer overflow tank between Sprague Ave. and 1st Ave. in downtown Spokane are nearing completion
Luis Boggio, left, and Lori Decicio watch their dogs, Merlin, left, and Chico, right, play in the sand at the new dog park on the triangular lot bounded by Sprague Ave., Riverside Ave. and Adams St. in downtown Spokane, Thursday, May 2, 2019. The dog park, enclosed by a black fence, was completed as part of the large combined sewer overflow tank on the block to the south of the dog park.
Jesse Tinsley The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
Along with a nearby plaza above a new combined sewer overflow tank, this dog park was built on a triangle traffic island bounded by Riverside Ave., Sprague Ave. and Adams St. The tiny park and the plaza above the Adams St. combined sewer overflow tank between Sprague Ave. and 1st Ave. in downtown Spokane are nearing completion, shown Friday, May 3, 2019. The nearby Cedar St. stairs, leading down to Peaceful Valley, were also rebuilt.
Jesse Tinsley The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
Two apartment dwelling dogs, Merlin, left, and Chico, right, play in the sand at the new dog park on the triangular lot bounded by Sprague Ave., Riverside Ave. and Adams St. in downtown Spokane Thursday, May 2, 2019.
Jesse Tinsley The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
The plaza above the combined sewer overflow tank between Sprague Ave. and 1st Ave. in downtown Spokane is nearing completion, shown Friday, May 3, 2019. At right, a residential tower, with restaurant space on the ground floor, takes shape, overlooking the plaza. Along with plaza, a nearby dog park was built on a triangle traffic island and the Cedar St. stairs, leading down to Peaceful Valley, were rebuilt. Jesse Tinsley/THE SPOKESMAN-REVIEW
Jesse Tinsley The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
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