Northwest Passages Book Club: Sharma Shields and Nancy Pearl
On Wednesday, Nancy Pearl travelled to The Spokesman-Review’s Northwest Passages Book Club for a conversation with local author Sharma Shields. Shields is the author of "The Cassandra," a novel set at the Hanford nuclear plant. Pearl is a best-selling author, NPR commentator and the only librarian with her own action figure.
Author Sharma Shields speaks to librarian Nancy Pearl for a Northwest Passages event at the Bing Crosby Theater on March 13, 2019. This was Shields’ second time on stage with Pearl for a Northwest Passages event, this time to discuss Shields’ new book, “The Cassandra.”
Libby Kamrowski The Spokesman-Review
Author Sharma Shields talks to Elaine Carleton during a Northwest Passages VIP event at Ovations bar on March 13, 2019. The event was prior to the Northwest Passages event for Shields in conversation with Nancy Pearl about Shields’ new book, “The Cassandra.”
Libby Kamrowski The Spokesman-Review
The marquee outside of the Bing Crosby Theater during a Northwest Passages VIP event at Ovations bar on March 13, 2019. The event was about Shields’ new book, “The Cassandra.”
Libby Kamrowski The Spokesman-Review
Nancy Pearl speaks to a Northwest Passages VIP guest during an event at Ovations bar on March 13, 2019. The event was prior to the Northwest Passages event for Sharma Shields in conversation with Pearl about Shields’ new book, “The Cassandra.”
Libby Kamrowski The Spokesman-Review
Sharma Shields speaks with Chuck Morrison prior to autographing his book during a Northwest Passages VIP gathering at Ovations bar on March 13, 2019, in Spokane. The get-together occurred prior to the Northwest Passages event for Shields in conversation with Nancy Pearl about Shields' new book, The Cassandra.
Libby Kamrowski The Spokesman-Review
Sharma Shields autographs Northwest Passages VIP guest Chuck Morrison’s book during a VIP event at Ovations bar on March 13, 2019. The event was prior to the Northwest Passages event for Shields in conversation with Nancy Pearl about Shields’ new book, “The Cassandra.”
Libby Kamrowski The Spokesman-Review
Author Sharma Shields speaks to librarian Nancy Pearl for a Northwest Passages event at the Bing Crosby Theater on March 13, 2019. This was Shields’ second time on stage with Pearl for a Northwest Passages event, this time to discuss Shields’ new book, “The Cassandra.”
Libby Kamrowski The Spokesman-Review
Author Sharma Shields speaks to librarian Nancy Pearl for a Northwest Passages event at the Bing Crosby Theater on March 13, 2019. This was Shields’ second time on stage with Pearl for a Northwest Passages event, this time to discuss Shields’ new book, “The Cassandra.”
Libby Kamrowski The Spokesman-Review
Local author Chris Crutcher speaks with guest speaker Nancy Pearl, left, and Northwest Passages VIP guest Maryann Murphy during a VIP event at Ovations bar on March 13, 2019. Crutcher is a past Northwest Passages author, and this event was prior to the Northwest Passages event for Sharma Shields in conversation with Pearl about Shields’ new book.
Libby Kamrowski The Spokesman-Review
Local authors Chris Crutcher, Jess Walter and Sharma Shields speak together during a Northwest Passages VIP event at Ovations bar on March 13, 2019. Crutcher and Walter have been past Northwest Passages speakers, and tonight was for Sharma Shields in conversation with Nancy Pearl about Shields’ new book, “The Cassandra.”
Libby Kamrowski The Spokesman-Review
Author Sharma Shields speaks to librarian Nancy Pearl for a Northwest Passages event at the Bing Crosby Theater on March 13, 2019. This was Shields’ second time on stage with Pearl for a Northwest Passages event, this time to discuss Shields’ new book, “The Cassandra.”
Libby Kamrowski The Spokesman-Review
Lbrarian Nancy Pearl, right, speaks with author Sharma Shields for a Northwest Passages event at the Bing Crosby Theater on March 13, 2019. This was Shields’ second time on stage with Pearl for a Northwest Passages event, this time to discuss Shields’ new book, “The Cassandra.”
Libby Kamrowski The Spokesman-Review
Journalist Linda Shaw speaks with The Spokesman-Review’s Carolyn Lamberson and Kimberly Lusk during a Northwest Passages VIP event at Ovations bar on March 13, 2019. Earlier that day, Shaw gave a workshop on behalf of Solutions Journalism Network to The Spokesman-Review editorial staff.
Libby Kamrowski The Spokesman-Review
Rogan Tinsley plays the saxophone while Johnny Curley plays the bass guitar during a Northwest Passages VIP event at Ovations bar on March 13, 2019. The event was prior to the Northwest Passages event for Sharma Shields in conversation with Nancy Pearl about Shields’ new book, “The Cassandra.”
Libby Kamrowski The Spokesman-Review
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