Cecil Andrus (1931-2017)
Cecil Andrus, Idaho’s longest-serving governor, former U.S. Secretary of the Interior, Democrat and champion of wilderness and the Idaho outdoors, died late Thursday after a battle with cancer, the night before his 86th birthday.
In this Oct. 14, 2001, file photo, former Interior Secretary Cecil V. Andrus smiles at his office in Boise, Idaho.
Katherine Jones Ap
Former Idaho Governors Cecil Andrus, right, and Phil Batt, left, talk to reporters, Thursday, Jan. 15, 2015 in Boise, Idaho. Andrus said that an arrangement between Idaho Gov. C.L. Butch Otter and the U.S. Department of Energy to bring in 50 spent nuclear fuel rods to the Idaho National Laboratory for research would turn the state into a nuclear waste repository.
Keith Ridler Associated Press
Cecil D. Andrus cradles a shotgun given to him by a timber industry group and jokes with the crowd in 1994. Andrus, outgoing governor of Idaho, made his last North Idaho speech as governor for the Intermountain Forest Industry Association at the Coeur d'Alene Resort. He was a logger before entering politics.
Jesse Tinsley The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
Andrus and Jimmy Carter in the White House, when Andrus was Interior secretary.
Cecil D. Andrus Papers
Gov. Cecil Andrus arrives at Coeur d'Alene airport in 1988.
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Emphasizing a point, Gov. Cecil Andrus talks about how to market Idaho to out of state companies during a class at North Idaho College in 1990.
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Cecil Andrus, Carter and other Cabinet members on Air Force 1 in the 1970s
Cecil D. Andrus Papers
Cecil Andrus in 1990.
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Gov. Cecil Andrus talks to third-graders at Seltice Elementary School in Post Falls in 1990.
Jesse Tinsley The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
Taking a quick turn with NIC instructor Sandra Brashears, Idaho Gov. Cecil Andrus is serenaded Feb. 8, 1994 by "The Andrus Sisters," a group of faculty and staff who first sang to the governor in 1989 in a plea for NIC funding. They model themselves after the Andrews Sisters of the 1940s. Also Monday, Andrus answered questions from CdA High students. Blair Kooistra photo.
Blair Kooistra Sr
Gov. and Mrs. Cecil D Andrus are seen with their three daughters (from the left) Tracy, 15; Kelley 10, and Tanya, 19, in the governor's house in Boise. They moved there in January. Tanya is employed in Moscow, Idaho, and Kelley and Tracy attend schools in Boise.
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Idaho Gov. Cecil D Andrus in 1981.
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Gov. Cecil D. Andrus presents Mrs. Virginia Mowry with federal and state checks in payment for Lake Coeur d'Alene shorelands on which Idaho plans a state park in 1972. The governor presented the checks on a silver platter.
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Gov. Cecil Andrus speaks at dedication ceremony for the Union Pacific depot in Wallace in 1987.
Colin Mulvany The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo
The Rev. Bill Wassmuth and Gov. Cecil Andrus at Human Rights Celebration in 1987.
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Gov. Cecil Andrus takes a brief train ride as part of ceremonies at Silverwood in 1987.
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Gov. Cecil Andrus holds up one of the centennial medallions that will be sold to be pay for the state's birthday celebration in 1987.
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Idaho Gov. Cecil Andrus waves to supporters arriving by boat for a fund-raiser on Lake Coeur d'Alene in 1989.
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Then-Gov. Cecil Andrus turkey hunting with the late longtime Idaho Fish and Game Director Jerry Conley
Cecil D. Andrus Papers
President Jimmy Carter momentarily looks the wrong way as the flag is raised diuring his May 1978 visit to Spokane's Riverfront Park. King Cole, a major influece in bringing Expo '74 to Spokane points the direction to president should be facing. Interior Secretary Cecil Andrus (left) and former Spokane Mayor David Rodgers (2nd from left) watch the ceremony.
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