Alaska fly-fishing float trip
Bush pilots equipped to land on lakes, rivers or tundra operate out of virtually every airport in Alaska to usher anglers into remote wilderness destinations where river bottoms are obscured by clouds of fish. Rivers, especially those in southwestern Alaska reachable from towns such as Bethel, Dillingham and King Salmon, lure anglers looking for adventure and hooking up with Pacific salmon, Dolly Varden, rainbow trout and grayling. In the middle of August, Outdoors editor Rich Landers and three buddies booked a pontoon-plane flight into a river's headwaters and launched an eight-day unguided float trip geared primarily for the arrival of bright, acrobatic silver salmon fresh from the Bering Sea. As you'll see in his Sunday Outdoors story and this gallery of photos, virtually everything about this delicious trip was Goodnews.
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