Glacier Peak Wilderness trek
Visiting the 566,430-acre Glacier Peak Wilderness is a remote experience no matter how you approach it. Glacier Peak, elevation 10,541 feet is the fourth highest mountain in Washington and the most remote of the state’s five active volcanoes. These photos show the famously rugged and diverse landscape Spokane Mountaineers savored Aug. 9-12, 2013, in a classic four-day loop of nearly 50 miles including side trips (see story). The trek started at Trinity Trailhead (near Lake Wenatchee) to Buck Creek Pass, out to Image Lake, back over Cloudy Pass and past Lyman Lakes. From there it went up and over Spider Gap before descending through Spider Meadow to Phelps Trailhead (followed by a three-mile road hike back to Trinity). The loop is beautiful AND it's tough with considerable elevation gain and loss. In some conditions, ice axes and even crampons are required for safety in descending the snowfields at Spider Gap. The route is described in several hiking guidebooks. Most of the route, with the exception of a stretch to Image Lake, is shown on Holden Map 113 by Green Trails. Enjoy this armchair tour of photos and captions by Outdoors editor Rich Landers.