North Idaho all-league teams
Photos of North Idaho's best in prep football and soccer.
All-North Idaho Football Team, offense Front row, left to right: Joel Kramer (Sandpoint), Ben Fisher (Sandpoint), Zach Keiser (Coeur d'Alene), Drew Moreno (Coeur d'Alene). Middle row: Sandpoint coach Mike Mitchell, Mike Hubbard (Sandpoint), Scott Benner (Post Falls), Chris Schenck (Lake City), Shaun Duffy (Coeur d'Alene)(, Cody Hecker (Sandpoint). Back: Jacob Palaniuk (Sandpoint), A.J. Smith (Sandpoint), Jake Pellerin (Post Falls), Justin Podrabsky (Lewiston), Connor Williams (Coeur d'Alene). Not pictured: Thomas Tucker (Coeur d'Alene).
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
All-North Idaho Football Team, defense Front row, left to right: Cade Mendoza (Coeur d'Alene), Sean Hogan (Sandpoint), Austin Kiefer (Lake City), Kyle Mai (Lewiston), Tyler Smotherman (Coeur d'Alene). Middle: D.J. McIntire (Sandpoint), Luther Morgan (Sandpoint), Brian Griswold (Lake City), Josh Wakefield (Lewiston). Back: Kevin Muncey (Post Falls), Matt Kriz (Timberlake), Jared Kennedy (Post Falls), Dan Zebedeo (Lake City), Beau Martz (Lake City), Cameron Montgomery (Coeur d'Alene).
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
All-North Idaho Girls Soccer Team Front row, left to right: Meghan Roletto (Coeur d'Alene), Nikki Webster (Lake City). Middle row: Hayley Smith (Coeur d'Alene), Marisa Watson (Lakeland), Meghan Pagano (Sandpoint), Jessie Dexter (Sandpoint), Nicole Danner (Lake City), Tareyn White (Post Falls). Back row, Rachel Crawford (Coeur d'Alene), Lauren Nuxoll (Lewiston), Nicole Medeiros (Lake City), Sandpoint coach Adam Tajan, Elli Kiselica (Sandpoint), Alicia Mertz (Sandpoint). Not pictured: Kerry Moller (Moscow).
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
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