Children living the mountains of Kenya, came to see the visiting masungo's (white people) . When news of Todd Ingram's arrival circulated through the villages, children come from all around to meet , greet and touch the newcomers. Ingram was there doing a family seminar, teaching how to be a family and love your wife and children. Photo courtesy of Todd Ingram
Todd Ingram asks church goers at a Nakuru, Kenya service to come forward for pray for the restoration of their families and gives them a blessing. The prayer was to restore the heart and love of the fathers to their children. Photo courtesy of Todd Ingram.
Todd Ingram and his family have served as missionaries in Kenya. He has his sites set on returning to Kenya and be with his family by the end of January. DAN PELLE The Spokesman-Review
Dan Pelle The Spokesman-Review
Todd Ingram performs a wedding in Kisumu, March of 2006. Part of Todd and Michele Ingan's duties is provided wedding dress for girls. This helps to bring up the personal and cultural value of the woman and importance of the marriage. This helps to bring value back to the Family, the woman and marriage. Photo courtesy of Todd Ingram
In the slums of Nairobi called Dandora. Todd Ingram performs a baby dedication, in September 2007. There was 17 children dedicated (or baptized) on this day. Dandora is where the dump all the garbage for Nairobi. Photo courtesy of Todd Ingram
Todd and Michele Ingram visit with some students in Nakuru, Kenya that had learned about the importance of marriage from the Ingrams. They had been unwed and this is the day they were formally married. Photo courtesy of Todd Ingram
Swimming pool in Eldoret, Kenya, Todd Ingram baptizes people wanting to show of their faith in God. Photo courtesy of Todd Ingram
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