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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Christine A. Ives

A candidate for 7th District Representative, Position 2, Legislative District 7 (Northeastern Washington) in the 2018 Washington Primary Election

Party: No party

City: Omak, WA

Education: Attended White Shield High School in North Dakota, and Omak High School, graduating in 1990. Earned associate degree from Wenatchee Valley College in 1996. Earned an interdisciplinary studies bachelor's degree from Heritage University in Toppenish, Washington, in 1999.

Political experience: First run for office.

Work experience: Paralegal and spokesperson for the Colville Confederated Tribes Legal Office. Paralegal and spokesperson for Wynne Law Firm. Paralegal for Benjamin and Healey, LLC. Member of Colville Tribal Bar and Puyallup Tribal Bar.

Family: Single. Has one daughter.

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