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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

State House, Position 2

Election Results

Candidate Votes Pct
Jeff Holy (R) 13,074 57.15%
Shar Lichty (D) 9,804 42.85%

* Race percentages are calculated with data from the Secretary of State's Office, which omits write-in votes from its calculations when there are too few to affect the outcome. The Spokane County Auditor's Office may have slightly different percentages than are reflected here because its figures include any write-in votes.

About The Race

Because there are only two candidates, both will advance to the November election.

The Candidates

Jeff Holy

Spokane, WA

Education: Graduated from Issaquah High School in 1973. Earned psychology bachelor’s degree from Washington State University in 1983. Earned law degree from Gonzaga University in 1989.

Political experience: Won current House seat in 2012. Ran for Spokane County Commission in 2010.

Work experience: Attorney. Served in the Spokane Police Department from 1984 until he left with the rank of detective in 2006 to practice law. Governor-appointed board member for one of the state’s retirement systems for public safety retirees (LEOFF 2) since 2005.

Military experience: U.S. Army, 1975-1978. Army National Guard 1981-1982.

Family: Married; two children.

Shar Lichty

Spokane, WA
Community organizer

Work experience: Organizer with the Peace and Justice Action League of Spokane.  Previously a special education paraeducator.

Education: Graduated from Ontario (California) High School in 1983. Earned degree from Spokane Community College in 2008. Earned bachelor’s degree in social work and minor in Africana Studies from Eastern Washington University in 2010.

Political Experience: Lost to David Condon in race for Spokane mayor in 2015. Involved in the local campaign for referendum 74, the 2012 statewide ballot measure to legalize marriage equality.

Family: Divorced. Has four kids.

Complete Coverage

For Legislature: Holy, yes; Shea, no

Incumbent Rep. Jeff Holy gets the nod in a close call. We offer no endorsement in the face featuring Rep. Matt Shea.

Shar Lichty attempts to unseat Jeff Holy in Washington Legislature

Check out the S-R’s Election Center for details on local, state and national races.

Both Spokane police ombudsman finalists praised after public forum

The independence of Spokane’s police ombudsman dominated discussion at a Tuesday forum where community members questioned finalists for the job. Bart Logue, who’s been serving as the city’s interim ombudsman since February, answered questions at West Central Community Center alongside the other finalist, Jacquelyn MacConnell, a former Phoenix police officer.

Mapping the vote: Spokane Mayor

David Condon won a second term by carrying most city precincts.

Condon, Stuckart keep top spots at Spokane City Hall

For the first time in more than four decades, Spokane voters have given a mayor a second chance. Mayor David Condon coasted to victory with 62 percent of the vote in today’s election. A Spokane mayor hadn’t been re-elected since 1973.

Re-elected Spokane Mayor Condon must refocus on police accountability

Spokane’s next mayor needs to be willing to break china, not protect the teacups. To focus fiercely on the problems of police accountability, not spin and election braggadocio.

Doug Clark: Want to join me on Election Night to potentially witness history being made?

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Spokane candidates on the lack of a city planning director

The city has been without a planning director since Scott Chesney was ousted last November.

Does Spokane have a sprawl problem? Spokane candidates speak

Yes. No. Depends who you ask, like we just did for you.

Spokane candidates talk about the city’s spokesmen and spokeswomen

Their answers vary, some say just two, others say it’s up to the mayor.

Mayor’s top staff rebut claims of dishonesty during ouster of former Police Chief Frank Straub

Theresa Sanders and Brian Coddington shot back this week against claims they were dishonest during Frank Straub’s ouster, saying an ethics complaint is politically motivated and frivolous.

Candidates speak about Spokane’s lawsuit against agrochemical giant Monsanto

In August, the city of Spokane filed a lawsuit against the international agrochemical giant Monsanto, alleging that the company sold chemicals for decades that it knew were a danger to human and environmental health.

Condon and Lichty on the Mayor Vs. City Council

Condon says things are pretty good. Lichty says not so much.

Spokane candidates on the Mayor Vs. the City Council

Everything’s golden, or This. Means. War.

Spokane candidates on their political heroes

Even politicians have heroes.

Condon says city is thriving; Lichty points to recent police controversy

Ronald Reagan, a political hero of Spokane Mayor David Condon, famously asked voters in 1980, “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?” The answer that year was a resounding no, and Reagan entered the White House on a white horse.

Spokane mayoral candidate Lichty files ethics complaint in police chief’s ouster

Mayoral candidate Shar Lichty has filed an ethics complaint against two city employees who gave false information to the media, including the Spokesman-Review, in the lead-up to Frank Straub’s ouster from the Spokane Police Department.

Spokane mayoral candidate Shar Lichty files ethics complaint in ex-police Chief Frank Straub’s ouster

Mayoral candidate Shar Lichty has filed an ethics complaint against two city employees who gave false information to the media, including the Spokesman-Review, in the lead-up to Frank Straub’s ouster from the Spokane Police Department.

Doug Clark: Condon, not taxpayers, should cover cost of Straub fiasco

So ousted Spokane Police Chief Frank Straub thinks the city should pay him 4 million bucks to soothe his bruised and battered ego. All right. I don’t see a problem with that.