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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

State House, Position 2

Election Results

Candidate Votes Pct
Timm Ormsby (D) 10,922 63.86%
Laura Carder (R) 4,847 28.34%
Paul Delaney (L) 1,333 7.79%

* Race percentages are calculated with data from the Secretary of State's Office, which omits write-in votes from its calculations when there are too few to affect the outcome. The Spokane County Auditor's Office may have slightly different percentages than are reflected here because its figures include any write-in votes.

About The Race

See candidate’s stances on different issues in the issues grid

The Candidates

Timm Ormsby

Spokane, Washington

Education: Graduated from North Central High School in 1977.

Political experience: Appointed to current House seat in 2003. Elected to seat every two years since 2004. Current chairman of House Appropriations Committee and member of House Labor & Workplace Standards Committee.

Work experience: About 40 years in construction, primarily as a concrete finisher. Business representative for Northeastern Washington-Northern Idaho Building Trades Council since 2000. President of Spokane Regional Labor Council. Board member of SNAP and Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture. Member of Spokane Area League of Women Voters. Past board member of Spokane County United Way.

Family: Married. Has three adult children.

Laura Carder

Spokane, Washington

Education: Graduated from Yorktown High School in Virginia in 1965. Attended Radford Ladies school, then earned a bachelor’s degree in music education from San Francisco State in 1969.

Work experience. Worked as a computer programmer for McDonnell Douglas for 12 years, then held a series of temporary jobs. In recent years she has held seasonal jobs at the Spokane County Fair, the Orange County Fair and at Knotts Berry Farm.

Political experience: Served as a Republican Party precinct committee officer for several years. Ran unsuccessfully for Spokane School Board in 2009 and state representative in 2006, 2008 and 2016.

Family: Single

Campaign fundraising: Carder has chosen the mini reporting option, according to the Washington Public Disclosure Commission, meaning she has pledged to raise and spend no more than $5,000.

Paul Delaney

Spokane, WA

Education: Graduated from Lake Oswego High School in 1983.

Political experience: Ran for district 3, position 2 in Spokane in 2014. Ran for Oregon’s House of Representatives district 29 twice, in 2004 and 2006, as a libertarian. Appointed to city council in 2007 in the city of Willamina, Ore.

Work experience: Sells real estate in Spokane County. Drives trucks and heavy equipment in Alaska. Worked two years at Hanford Site doing environmental cleanup, and 15 years for a company in Oregon operating heavy equipment and driving trucks.

Complete Coverage

Carder, Ormsby fight to represent

Incumbent Timm Ormsby faces Republican Laura Carder in the 3rd Legislative District.

Timm Ormsby faces two challengers for House seat

Opponents of state Rep. Timm Ormsby in the Aug. 2 Washington primary say it’s time for the incumbent to go. “He’s been there long enough,” said Republican Laura Carder. “I think he is taking the voters way too much for granted.”

Timm Ormsby the easy pick in 3rd District

This district, one of the poorest in the state, has been a longtime Democratic stronghold, and Republicans have struggled to field a strong candidate. This year is no different, with incumbent Rep. Timm Ormsby facing weak opposition.

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For about $5 per student in Washington’s public schools, every parent could know if the drinking water in their child’s school was free of lead.

Ormsby to head House budget panel

Rep. Timm Ormsby was named chairman of the House Appropriations Committee.

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House Democrats propose raises for teachers, state mental health professionals in new budget.