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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Steve Rubenstein

A candidate for Governor, State of Washington in the 2016 Washington Primary, Aug. 2

Party: Independent

Age: 50

City: Bothell, WA

Education: Wharton School at University of Pennsylvania with concentrations in entrepreneurial management and information systems.

Work experience: Program consultant; started and later sold two technology companies; now concentrates on consulting work.

Political experience: First run for office

Family: Married, two children

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Bill Bryant faces major obstacles in bid to replace Washington Gov. Jay Inslee

The differences and disparities in the race between incumbent Gov. Jay Inslee and chief Republican challenger Bill Bryant were crystal clear over a 24-hour period on the last weekend of June, when each held a major campaign event at a convention center in Western Washington. In downtown Seattle on the evening of June 24, streets were blocked, parking was challenging and traffic was worse than usual, as some 3,000 people made their way to a fundraising dinner that featured President Barack Obama and Inslee. Their images were projected on giant monitors for well-dressed donors at tables far enough from the stage to be almost in the next ZIP code.