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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Bob Bingham

A candidate for Kootenai County Commissioner, District 3, Republican Primary, Kootenai County in the 2016 Idaho Primary, May 17

Party: Republican

Age: 68

City: Spirit Lake, Idaho

Occupation: Retired from power and energy industry

Age: 60

Education background: He earned his high school GED after completing ninth grade.

Political background: Not held office before. He is a graduate of the Kootenai County Citizens Academy.

Work experience: Bingham spent 23 years working in the power and energy industry and 10 years in construction. He operated a couple of his own businesses, and served as plant manager of a 600-megawatt, $300 million power generation facility, where he was responsible for all staff and an annual budget of $33 million. Certified code inspector in the 1980s. He and his wife Paige wrote and published a book on marriage, “Marriage: Building it to Last.”

Family: Married. Has one adult daughter.

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