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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

City Council Northeast seat (District 1)

Election Results

Candidate Votes Pct
Mike Fagan (N) 6,412 52.23%
Donna McKereghan 5,865 47.77%

* Race percentages are calculated with data from the Secretary of State's Office, which omits write-in votes from its calculations when there are too few to affect the outcome. The Spokane County Auditor's Office may have slightly different percentages than are reflected here because its figures include any write-in votes.

The Candidates

Mike Fagan

No party
Spokane, WA

Why he’s running: Fagan is running to help Spokane maintain the same character it had when he grew up in the city, but also move it forward and navigate its growth.

His pitch: Fagan describes himself as a constituent-facing elected official who has listened to the concerns of residents during his first two terms on the Spokane City Council. Unlike other council members, he says, he does not focus on “social issues” and does not have an “agenda.”

Age: 59 Jan. 1, 1960

Education: Graduated North Central High School in 1978.

Political experience: Fagan has served two terms on the City Council. Former president of Bemiss Neighborhood Council.

Work experience: Co-director of Voters Want More Choices, a group led by Tim Eyman that advocates for lower taxes. Worked as a purchasing officer of a communications company in California in the late 1980s until the mid-1990s. Worked at MOR Manufacturing in Post Falls, including as materials manager, from 1997 to 2007. Served in U.S. Army from 1978 until 1987. Co-hosts radio show about local politics.

Family: Married. Has three children.

Donna McKereghan

Spokane, WA
Owns web design company

Education: Graduated from Pasco High School in 1971. Bachelor’s degree in philosophy and humanities from Eastern Washington University in 1992. Master’s in philosophy from Gonzaga University in 1997.

Career: Owns Rave Web Design, a website design company. Former accountant, including for about five years in the 1970s at Boise Cascade.

Political: Former member of the Washington State Legislative Ethics Board. Former chairwoman of the Logan Neighborhood Council.

Family: Divorced. Has adult son.

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Complete Coverage

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Fagan vs. McKereghan, Introduction

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Northeast Spokane council candidates have all run for office before

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Candidates for Council District 1

Gary Pollard, 67 Career: Retired field investigator for Arizona Department of Revenue. Former assembly line worker for Chrysler.

Q&A: Gary Pollard, running for Spokane City Council seat representing Northeast Spokane

Gary Pollard gives his positions on taxes, libraries, streets and other issues facing the city in The Spokesman-Review’s Spokane City Council candidate questionnaire. Pollard faces Mike Fagan, Luke Tolley, Chris Bowen, John Waite and Donna McKereghan in the race for a seat representing Northwest Spokane.

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John Waite gives his positions on taxes, libraries, streets and other issues facing the city in The Spokesman-Review’s Spokane City Council candidate questionnaire. Waite faces Gary Pollard, Mike Fagan, Luke Tolley, Chris Bowen and Donna McKereghan in the race for a seat representing Northwest Spokane.

Q&A: Luke Tolley, running for Spokane City Council seat representing Northeast Spokane

Luke Tolley gives his positions on taxes, libraries, streets and other issues facing the city in The Spokesman-Review’s Spokane City Council candidate questionnaire. Tolley faces Gary Pollard, Mike Fagan, Chris Bowen, John Waite and Donna McKereghan in the race for a seat representing Northwest Spokane.