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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Initiative 1105

Election Results

Option Votes Pct
No 1,573,588 64.94%
Yes 849,736 35.06%

* Race percentages are calculated with data from the Secretary of State's Office, which omits write-in votes from its calculations when there are too few to affect the outcome. The Spokane County Auditor's Office may have slightly different percentages than are reflected here because its figures include any write-in votes.

About the Measure

One of two proposals to close state-operated liquor stores and turn sales and distribution over to the private sector, allowing sales in most places that currently sell beer and wine. Unlike I-1100, this initiative would set up a three-tier system in which production, distribution and sales would be separate. The state currently controls distribution and sales.

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Complete Coverage

Liquor sales discussion not over

OLYMPIA – Voters rejected two ballot measures this year that would have gotten Washington state out of the liquor business, but supporters of changing the state’s current system of selling booze are already looking to make legislative changes. While it’s unlikely full privatization will be seriously considered by lawmakers, a few lawmakers plan to introduce bills on the issue again. And officials with the state Liquor Control Board say they are working with Gov. Chris Gregoire to address frustrations over the current system.

Supermajority in, some taxes out

Washington voters removed some taxes and made it tougher for the Legislature to create new ones, but seemed to turn down plans to privatize some state services. Idaho voters passed a string of changes to the state’s bonding rules designed to help hospitals, airports and other public projects. And Spokane voters turned thumbs down to Proposition 1, a plan to raise $5 million per year to help fight high school dropout rates.

Washington ballot measures: State government changes

Washington voters have a near record number of initiatives on this fall’s ballot, giving them choices on raising taxes, paying taxes, buying liquor and providing for workers’ industrial insurance. Here’s a look at the state government changes ballot measures.

If voters pass both liquor sales initiatives, heads will spin

Getting the state out of the liquor business is such a popular idea that voters have two chances to do it in the Nov. 2 election. Based on their ballot titles, Initiatives 1100 and 1105 may seem close enough that anyone in favor of state-operated liquor stores could reasonably vote no on both.

Sixth District donnybrook

He’s the incumbent. He’s his party’s whip in the state Senate. He has more campaign money and a diverse list of backers that includes unions and large businesses. But in his run for re-election, Democrat Chris Marr is the underdog. His opponent, Republican Michael Baumgartner, garnered more votes in the August primary, even though the business and military consultant was mostly unknown locally before he announced his candidacy shortly after moving to Spokane in January.

Both liquor initiatives take control from state

Washington voters may think they’re seeing double this fall when they scan the Nov. 2 ballot. Two separate initiatives ask them to do something the state has studied for years but failed to enact: end state control of liquor sales and distribution. The ballot titles of Initiatives 1100 and 1105 may seem nearly identical, and both measures would close state-run stores where customers now must go to buy liquor. In general, retailers who sell beer and wine could start selling gin, vodka, tequila and bourbon if they obtained a license from the state.

Baumgartner and Marr: Privatization

Washington state Sen. Chris Marr, a Democrat, and Republican challenger Michael Baumgartner discuss their positions on privatization of liquor sales and the state’s ferry system.

Initiative support tepid in poll

Washington voters may be experiencing initiative overload this year with a near-record number of ballot measures. They can stage a “tax revolt” by lifting new taxes imposed by the Legislature in April or reinstate a two-thirds supermajority for any tax increase. They can also impose an income tax on people who make more than $200,000.

Initiative campaigns attract $30 million in state

Soda pop sellers, liquor distributors and warehouse retailers are pouring millions of dollars into Washington to influence residents’ votes on a slew of statewide ballot measures. Some $30 million so far – the majority from out of state – has flooded the coffers of campaigns for or against an array of initiatives, a process in Washington that lets voters enact laws they feel their legislators won’t.

Initiatives would change way liquor sold, cut state revenue

OLYMPIA – The cavernous stores in Costco’s home state lack something you can find in its warehouses in California, Alaska and many other places: bottles of Maker’s Mark, Absolut vodka and other popular brands of hard liquor. But two ballot measures on the November ballot – one heavily backed by Issaquah-based Costco Wholesale Corp. – would largely sweep away Washington’s post-Prohibition restrictions on liquor.

Liquor initiative has enough signatures

OLYMPIA – Secretary of State Sam Reed has certified one of two liquor privatization measures to the ballot. Supporters of Initiative 1100 turned in more than 390,000 voter signatures, well above the 241,000 required. A random check of signatures was completed Friday.

Signatures portend long November ballot

OLYMPIA – Washington voters will likely have six initiatives on the November ballot dealing with taxes, booze and workers’ comp. They could repeal some of the recent consumer taxes on soda, bottled water and candy; levy an income tax on people who make more than $200,000 a year; and restore a supermajority requirement for the Legislature to raise taxes.

Initiatives would close Washington state liquor stores

OLYMPIA – Washington state’s continued control of liquor sales may be in doubt. Sponsors of one ballot measure to turn the sale of all liquor over to private stores, Initiative 1100, say they will turn in nearly 350,000 signatures today, a number that practically guarantees the proposal will be on the Nov. 2 ballot.