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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


Election Results

Option Votes Pct
Yes 241,141 57.02%
No 181,754 42.98%

* Race percentages are calculated with data from the Secretary of State's Office, which omits write-in votes from its calculations when there are too few to affect the outcome. The Spokane County Auditor's Office may have slightly different percentages than are reflected here because its figures include any write-in votes.

About the Measure

This would allow municipal electric systems to incur debt to acquire facilities, property and equipment without the approval of two-thirds of the voters. The amendment also would allow any city-owned electric system to enter into agreements to purchase, exchange or transmit wholesale electricity to customers within its service area without voter approval. Any indebtedness incurred would have to be repaid with electrical system rates and charges, not with tax dollars.

Complete Coverage

Idaho ballot measures

The Idaho Legislature has approved four proposed amendments to the Idaho Constitution that will appear on the ballot in the Nov. 2 general election. Constitutional amendments require two-thirds approval from each house of the Legislature plus a majority vote of the people at the next general election to pass.

Eye on Boise: Constitutional amendment would allow tuition at UI

BOISE – A little-noticed item on this year’s general election ballot, SJR 101, would amend the Idaho Constitution to permit tuition to be charged at the University of Idaho. The Idaho Constitution now forbids that, so students there are charged “fees” rather than tuition. The difference? “Tuition” is what pays for classroom instruction; “fees” pay for everything else.