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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

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Opinion >  Column

Don Kusler’s Point: Right-wing politicos must relinquish their violent rhetoric

Sadly, political violence is as old as politics itself, around the globe and, yes, in the United States. However, the last decade has seen a marked increase, especially in the United States. Rhetorically, one might argue — and those on the political right will — that heated words and actions that could lead to political violence originate from the broad spectrum of ideologies. Agreed, but it ...

Opinion >  Column

E.J. Antoni: Federal debt is the ticking bomb in your wallet

If you don’t think the interest on the federal debt is a problem, try this quick exercise. Grab your pay stub for June and see how much you paid in federal income tax, then realize that over 75% of that was effectively your contribution to interest on the debt last month. No roads, schools, military or hospitals—just interest. Houston, we have a problem. For the first time ever, the government ...
Opinion >  Column

Sue Lani Madsen: First Amendment protects the Second Amendment

Correction: Washington state law allows for the temporary transfer of firearms, as long as the recipient can legally possess them. The July 4 column by Sue Lani Madsen, "First Amendment protects the Second Amendment," incorrectly stated the impact of the state's background check law in regards to people experiencing mental health issues.