Whitworth Theatre Group Plans Michael Pollan Inspired Play
As I reported yesterday I spent some time with the Community Based Theatre class (pictured above) at Whitworth University, sharing about our family's year long experiment of consuming everything local, used, homegrown or homemade. They are in research mode, meeting with local folks like Fred Fleming of Shepherd's Grain and the Mike and Trish Vieira of Spokane's Family Farm, and reading Michael Pollan's "Omnivore's Dilemma."
They've started a blog called "What's In a Meal" where instructor Brooke Kiener explains the project;
As a class, we are reading a book together (The Omnivore's Dilemma, by Michael Pollan), conducting interviews, watching films, and going on field trips. We are examining our own beliefs as well as the ideas and opinions of others. We are talking to our family members, our good friends, and to complete strangers. And we will use all of this information and experience to create a play, that we will perform on Saturday, May 8th (time and place TBA). We are by no means experts on this subject, and our play won't be a final conclusion on these issues. Rather we see ourselves as engaged citizen-artists, using our intellectual and artistic abilities to connect with our community, to re-frame a problem, and to imagine potential solutions. We'll keep you updated on our progress through this blog, and we hope you'll share your thoughts, questions and comments with us...but beware, we might just put you in our show!
Stop by their blog and give them a shout out. It's a fun project. The food/local consumption conversation needs more artists, poets and playwrights. Thanks to Brooke for inviting me to participate.