Time to Sign Up for Your Spokane Area CSA (Veggie Subscription)
CSA's are a wonderful innovation in local food but it's likely you have
no idea what a CSA is. They are basically subscriptions for a weekly
supply of fresh local fruits, veggies and meats. Go here for previous posts that will help bring you up to speed and go here
for a first hand account of someone's experience with a CSA. CSA's are
a win-win for farmers who need steady reliable cash flow and consumers
who are often too busy to hunt down local sources for food.
There are several CSA's available in the Spokane area but Rocky Ridge Ranch is my favorite. Go here for Gary's Ranch Ramblings blog where he says the following about his CSA;
We sent out a CSA Newsletter earlier this week to alert folks to sign up early to make sure they have a subscription share available again this season. We already have ten Members signed up. This year we also plan to offer a CSA for a variety of beef, pork, poultry, and misc meat portions. It will offer the advantage of fresh local healthy meat for a price more economical than retail. It'll be delivered in portions weekly so storage space in most refrigerators should be able to handle it. Both programs will offer a half-share for those with small families. If you haven't been a member before just send me an e-mail requesting to go on the Standby List.
Gary's web site is here and his facebook page is here. (Someone needs to make a T-shirt that says, "My Farmers Has a Facebook Page".)
If you're not in the Spokane area go here to find a CSA near where you live.
This paragraph from Gary's blog grabbed my attention;
"SO"(Gary's wife) plans to plant the first hoop house with cool weather veggies next week and after that she'll start on the indoor potted plant starts. The seed catalogs have started to arrive along with the poultry catalogs for baby chicks. Somebody else must be thinking the same as me. "SO" has been enjoying watching her Korean TV programs all Winter.
They have a small farms documentary everyday that is one of her favorites. She's been getting all kinds of ideas to keep me busy helping her in the garden setting up new things. I've watched some of the programs and hoop houses are real hi-tech over there.
The project I like best is a set up to grow strawberries out of holes in vertical tubes set up in the hoop house. Promises to deliver more berries for a longer season. If it works for us I won't have to feel so guilty when I eat the Lion's share of our berries every week.
Just like our farmers are getting ready for the new season, it's time for us home gardeners to start planning in earnest for the new growing season.
Later in the week I'll post a seed starting schedule for those who are wondering about when to start seeds and plant.