Spokane’s “Sustainable September” Calendar of Events
This will be the second year for Spokane's Sustainable September series of events and activities. I think this concept was originated on the west of the state, but some leaders in Spokane, specifically the folks at Community Minded Enterprises, are takin it to the next level. Here's the description;
Sustainable September is an annual month-long series of events dedicated to promoting sustainability in the Spokane community. Sustainable September includes discussions, activities, presentations, and tours designed to build community and increase awareness so that Spokane can become more environmentally and economically resilient.
There are currently a diverse variety of environmental and community building non-profits in our area. Sustainable September’s goal is to bring many of these organizations together to build a united front in supporting the environment and health of our community.
Community-Minded Enterprises is partnering with several organizations and businesses to build a strong coalition in promoting action and education within the greater Spokane area. This year Sustainable September is building on partnerships including The Lands Council, the Community Building, LaunchPad INW, Avista, the Sierra Club, and the Northwest Eco-Building Guild.
Here are some off the food related events:
Kickoff Luncheon
September 1, noon at Masonic Temple
This event will kick-off the month long series of Sustainable September. Please join us for a talk from your chef, Jeremy at Sante Restaurant, a speech from Mayor Verner and a Keynote address by Kevin Danaher, founder of Global Exchange. Tickets available at www.brownpapertickets.com/event/123974
The Ethics of Eating Event
September 9, 5:30pm at Trezzi Farm
Guest speakers explore the ethics of eating and access to healthy food in our community. Meal will feature local ingredients. Tickets required and available at www.brownpapertickets.com/event/122812. Download SSS Ethics of Eating for this event.
Green Drinks Spokane
September 14 at The Swamp
Green Drinks monthly event, www.greendrinks.org Featured Organizations: Down to Earth, Sustainable September Cost: FREE Time: 5:30 pm
Food Summit
September 27, 1-3pm - (location to be determined)
Gathering for non-profit and other groups committed to local food and food access issues. meet and greet, and discuss current projects, goals, and challenges. Potluck lunch. RSVP to Kristi at lavenderlaver (at) hotmail (dot) com.
Wheat, Wine and Wild Salmon 4th Annual Dinner
September 29, 10-11 am at Hills Restaurant
DescriptionEach year 3 local organizations, Slow Foods Spokane River, Save Our Wild Salmon & Spokane Falls Trout Unlimited, come together in support of one single issue... supporting the longevity of wild salmon & steelhead in Salmon Nation. Many challenges face these fish, so critical to the health of the NW ecosystem, economy and culture. Extremely local and delicious meal. Tickets available now at www.brownpapaertickets.com/event/118578 Discount for early ticket purchase (before 9/22).
There are a full slate of activities. Go here for the full calendar of events.
Picture: Indian Paintbrush at Mt. Spokane taken last week.