Sudden Decline in American Driving
I guess Bike to Work Week and other such initiatives are making a difference. I suppose fuel prices might have a little something to do with it too. Nate Silver gives us the rundown on the fairly dramatic downturn in American's driving miles. See chart above. This comment in the article caught my attention;
Could it be that there's been some sort of paradigm shift in Americans' attitudes toward their cars? Perhaps, given the exorbitant gas prices of last summer, Americans realized that they weren't quite as dependent on their vehicles as they once thought they were.
Amen to that. Bring on the Bike to Work week challenge. Only problem for me is that it starts on a Sunday. Last year I spent many a Sunday morning riding down to the church at 5 am to get ready for the days worship and it was kind of rough. I'm going to take the car tomorrow but I promise I'll ride some extra miles to make up for it.