Shopping Local Stores This Christmas Will Boost Local Economy Up To 4x More Than Shopping National Chains
At least that's what a recent study on potential redevelopment scenarios indicated. Here's the link to the study, titled "Thinking Outside the Box." Here's an article that sums up the results. More data is needed to back up this claim, but it seems to reason. I guess we need some kind of Christmas Shopping Store Replacement Guide. Here's a stab at a list for Spokane:
- Auntie's Books for books
- Huppin's for electronics
- Rocket Bakery for Gift Certs
- Yoke's for meal shopping
- Mountain Gear for gear
- Madison Home or Madison Country for furniture
- White Elephant for toys
- Spokesman Review for local media
- Doma Coffee for some righteous beans
- Longhorn BBQ or the Onion for family get together
- Arbor Crest for wine
- Hutton Settlement or Greenbluff Christmas Trees
Feel free to add your picks for locally owned and I'll add to the list.