“Revenge on Vegetarians”…
Cash's 'mouse-baby wine' will be a tough act to follow - really how can anything compare to the visual of ...well...he summed it up perfectly with that ending "Squeak"...but his post got me thinking about our future...(and hopefully that there won't be more baby creatures made into beverages.) One thing we do know? - There will be no more wondering what the end of the world will look like; this artist has given us every visual example we need....with food.
Photoimagist Carl Warner shares his view of what the apocalypse could look like with 'mmmmazing' pictures of food made to represent scenery.
io9.com brings some life to this piece as a "black olive-and-watermelon ship sails through a sea of cabbage seeking revenge on vegeterians who have virtually annihilated the entire fruit and vegetable population..."
Whoa - Annihilated the produce available to the world? That's intense...
How about them' apples?....