American soldiers are detached each day from the lives they once led, but teenagers Robbie and Brittany Bergquist are striving to reach out to these troops with an organization all their own known as Cell Phones for Soldiers.Through this unique program, soldiers are reconnected with…
The swine flu? (I just heard about this on today's morning news...) The World Health Organization, (WHO), reports Mexico's infection-count at 26 cases with 7 death while the U.S. Government having a count of 91 confirmed cases with no deaths: until now. Having traveled to…
A six-pound, eight-month-old Chihuahua named Tinker Bell was reunited with her owners recently after a 70-mph gust of wind blew her nearly a mile away. The owners credited a pet psychic with Tinker Bell's rescue. "The brown long-haired dog was dirty and hungry but otherwise…
Spring is a time of renewal, reinvention, and reinspiration. So my question is this: What have you done recently to serve your community?It's easy to forget about volunteerism as the weather warms up, school draws to a close, and spring sports seasons get fired up,…
Just imagine what would happen if your dad returned to age seventeen and attended your high school for a week. Just imagine if he guided you through an unexpected breakup. Just imagine if he gave you the courage to stand up for yourself, your dreams,…
In Pocatello, Idaho, a judge ordered a defendant's mouth taped shut after he lost patience with the man's interruptions.The move was ordered by 6th District Judge Peter D. McDermott during a probation violation hearing for Nicklas Frasure, 23, who was convicted of felony theft in…
For this year's and last year's graduating senior classes, a new graduation requirement has been added among the class and credit prerequisites: the culminating project. In this assignment, senior students are supposed to spend at least 20 hours in creating this project as well as…
It's been quite a while since a good ol' 'Glow' article has hit the Vox, but never fear! My adventures will continue! With the first day of Spring Break comes the absolute need to get out of the house: my sister and I were ready…
Flight of the Conchords - "The Humans are Dead"A hilarious look at the music of the post-robotic revolution world. Disclaimer: a not-so-nice word or two for those of you with virgin ears.
We are quickly approaching summer, and with it, college tours and/or visits. Incoming juniors might just be looking at colleges they are interested in, or even just looking at colleges in cities they are visiting anyway. Incoming seniors have probably narrowed it down, and are…
I missed last week due to circumstances beyond control of anyone but my AP US History teachher, but I'm back at it this week. This week, however, thinking ahead to summer, list a few places, that, if you had the time, resources and money, you…
Everyone seems to be going green these days, so here are some great ways to join in on the fun and help the planet out.The Trust for Public Land: TPL is a nation-wide, nonprofit charity that seeks to conserve land for people. They are dedicated…
As you may have seen in the Our Kids; Our Business section of today's Spokesman-Review, kicking off another week of charity-focus here at the Vox Box! We've investigated a huge range of topics; everything from Health, Animal Shelters, Food Banks, and more. Get ready and…
My friend was browsing Yahoo the other day, when she found a story about how Stephen Colbert, of Comedy Central fame, pretty much rigged the vote for the name of the new space module. NASA held a vote for what the name of the module…
Their hearts beat rapidly. Their fingers rest on the "start/stop" button on their watches. Their minds are whizzing all over the place. Their double-knotted running shoes toe the line. Bang! The gun is shot, and their legs power through the beginning strides. Their shorts swish.…
American Cancer SocietyThe American Canccer Society is committed to "providing programs aimed at reducing the risk of cancer, detecting cancer as early as possible, ensuring proper treatment, and empowering people facing cancer to cope and maintain the highest possible quality of life." according to the…
It starts about sophomore year - your mailbox gets bombarded daily with letters, newsletters, posters, and coursebooks featuring all the colleges within a hundred-mile radius. Sometimes a three hundred-mile radius...sometimes they're across the country! I've got a stack with my name on it at least…
Continuing with our Charity-a-Day thing... here is a wonderful list of organizations that aid or assist Military Personnel, their families, and Veterans. So as not to make a huge post, I created a pdf document for you all to look at. Military Support Organizations What…
We're all familiar with the name Robert Pattinson by now, whether he registers as a sparkly vampire or a doomed wizard. But what has he been doing besides playing hunky dead guys? Enter "How to Be," Pattinson's latest movie, an independent film about a dead-beat,…
It really does seem that all of today's headlines have been slightly depressing..."Stock market crashes"..."economy has no future"...ect. Willie the ParrotThis definitely is one of those classic, feel-good stories. As a Denver child choked on her breakfast of Wheaties, (pictured above), while her mom was…
Here has been my thought process everytime I look at my planner for the past 6 days: "Oh gosh, I still haven't done that practice test. Jeez, only twenty-something days. How many days is it again? Oh, yeah, 23."That somewhat nonsensical string of thoughts is,…
No offense, but it's obvious that this woman is not the prettiest gal on earth, but she has a voice to die for. Susan Boyle wowed everyone, audience, judges, and crew alike, of the show Britain's Got Talent by her amazing and absolutely stunning performance…
So three cheers for another rendezvous through Spokane's world of entertainment! Here at The Slam we're going through all the shows, concerts, events, movies, (everything!), that Spokane has to offer! Here we go....Let's investigate another week...Local Music Nite @ The Inlander - Wed. April 15The…
For those interested in lending a helping hand to people hundreds or even thousands of miles away, here are some awesome charities to get involved with.The United WayIn 2005, the United Way began a 10-year project to achieve three primary goals: cut the high school…
In 2006, then-editor Steve Smith of The Spokesman-Review had the idea of starting a publication for an often forgotten audience: teenagers. The Vox Box was a continuation of the Vox, an all-student staffed newspaper published by The Spokesman-Review. High school student journalists who staffed the Vox made all content decisions as they learn about the trade of journalism. This blog's mission was to give students an opportunity to publish their voices. The Vox Box and the Vox wrapped up in June 2009, but you can follow former staffers' new blog at