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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

The Vox Box archive for Feb. 2008

THURSDAY, FEB. 28, 2008

The Craziest Operation Ever

From Yahoo News:I have heard some strange medical stories, but this is nothing less than staggering. Apparently, a blind man from Ireland can now see as a result of an operation where "doctors inserted his son's tooth in his eye."Yes, you read that correctly. "The…

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Are you smarter than a 5th grader?

Also from the New York Times... By SAM DILLON/Fewer than half of American teenagers who were asked basic questions about history and literature during a recent telephone survey knew when the Civil War was fought, and one-quarter thought that Christopher Columbus sailed to the New…

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Inside the mind of the dating teenage boy

You've all watched the "American Pie" movies and are aware of the stereotypes. Boys are just after "one thing..."However, according to a new report in The Journal of Adolescence, we might not be giving boys enough credit. Psychology researchers from the State University of New…

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WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27, 2008

Should Hillary Throw in the Towel?

Courtesy of Hillaryclinton.comI noticed a poll on MSNBC's website the other day, and at last check 65% of people believe Hillary Clinton should concede the nomination to Barack Obama.You can see the poll here .Is it really too late for Sen. Clinton, or should she…

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SUNDAY, FEB. 24, 2008

Who else saw it coming?

Lohan's movie "I know who killed me" earned a record 8 Razzies!!!That's bad.The best part is that Lohan tied herself for worst actress, since she played two identical people in the movie.Anyone watch it? Was it really this bad?here's some more words about it.

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WEDNESDAY, FEB. 20, 2008

I thought this was interesting...

(From the NY Times)Apparently the net isn't owned by the geeky male, anymore. Research has shown that most internet users and contributors are teenage girls. “Most guys don’t have patience for this kind of thing,” said Nicole Dominguez, 13, of Miramar, Fla., whose hobbies include…

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TUESDAY, FEB. 19, 2008

Question: Girl-On-Girl Bullying

Item: Cruel intentions: Girls bully each other too/Virginia de Leon, Spokesman-ReviewMore Info: It's not as obvious as the bullying between boys – the kind with telltale signs of black eyes, bumps and bruises. Instead, girl-on-girl cruelty can feel more like psychological warfare. Experts say it…

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MONDAY, FEB. 18, 2008

FRIDAY, FEB. 15, 2008

THURSDAY, FEB. 14, 2008

Attacks, and Attacks, and Attacks...

All this attacking is getting tiring.Hillary AttacksObama AttacksMcCain AttacksThis is already getting to be more than I want to hear. I just want a candidate that can come and say what they will do, stand by it, and not need to pull others down. Instead…

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Can I just say...

I find it funny that I post a question asking if 17-year-olds who will be old enough to vote in the general election should be allowed to vote in their states' primaries and we get no responses. I post "Who would win in a fight?…

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WEDNESDAY, FEB. 13, 2008

MONDAY, FEB. 11, 2008

THURSDAY, FEB. 7, 2008

Anne Frank... the musical???

All is quiet on the blog front as all the good little students who got a week off of school scramble to get their belated finals done... Awwww...When you have a homework break, this is my big "ewwwww" for the week. Someone is making "The…

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The Education System

In an editorial by Andrea Chapin in our latest issue of The Vox, the issue was raised about how useless so much of our education has become. Arguing experience over theory with such conclusions as analyzing a textbook definition of Islam is worthless compared to…

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MONDAY, FEB. 4, 2008

I may regret posting this...

But I can't help myself...Swear Jar--Funniest Commercial Ever! on FunnyOrDie.comQUESTION: Some say it is a generational thing, so how do you feel about swearing in public? Do people make too big a deal out of it, or is it rude?

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SUNDAY, FEB. 3, 2008

The internet-- too pushy?

I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but does it seem that the mainstream... everything... is trying to shove you onto high-speed internet? I had dial-up for years, and hated it, because all the best games and software required a high-speed connection, which I…

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Microsoft has made a bid on Yahoo...

Microsoft bought lots of shares of Yahoo, causing share value to go up to $28.38.Although actually just a blurb here, because I thought it was interesting, the article below details the history of the buy. Which is also interesting.I spotted this in the New York…

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FRIDAY, FEB. 1, 2008

Do people really buy this stuff?

I just stumbled across this ad. Wow! Do people really believe this sort of thing? (The actual ad says those are before and after shots. My screen capture didn't capture them.)QUESTION: What is your favorite far-fetched ad right now?

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In 2006, then-editor Steve Smith of The Spokesman-Review had the idea of starting a publication for an often forgotten audience: teenagers. The Vox Box was a continuation of the Vox, an all-student staffed newspaper published by The Spokesman-Review. High school student journalists who staffed the Vox made all content decisions as they learn about the trade of journalism. This blog's mission was to give students an opportunity to publish their voices. The Vox Box and the Vox wrapped up in June 2009, but you can follow former staffers' new blog at

Blog Archives

Feb. 2008
28 27 24 20 19
18 15 14 13 11
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