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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

The Vox Box


Is it the title of a new challenge, or a just a ton of adjectives thrown together...? 

This will be pretty familiar to those of you who participated in NaNoWriMo, the equivalent of the Olympics for novel-writers. Challenging nearly 113,000 authors of all ages to pool their blood, sweat, and tears to crank out a novel in one month, the National Novel Writing Month people are celebrating it's success and now diving into a new challenge (and inviting us along):...

(the 3rd official year of) The Big-Fun-Scary-Adventure of 2009...

Chris Baty, spokesman for NaNoWriMo, sees the New Year not just as a time for some resolutions, but as a time for change. "The quick overview:," Baty says in his email going out to past NaNoWriMo participants, "We each pick an adventure, declare it to the world, check in with our progress throughout the year, ultimately pull it off, the get a winner's certificate." 

That's right - just pick something new, fresh, and different to do through 2009 then get the shiny certificate (along with bragging rights) upon completion!

"Your curiosity is a dependable guide; follow it. Put yourself in unfamiliar places. Kindle passions. Savor the raw joy of making things, then remake the best of those things until they take someone's breath away. Wrestle bears."   -Chris Baty

Just be careful with that whole 'bear' thing...

What are your resolutions for 2009? Got an 'Adventure' to tackle throughout the year?

In 2006, then-editor Steve Smith of The Spokesman-Review had the idea of starting a publication for an often forgotten audience: teenagers. The Vox Box was a continuation of the Vox, an all-student staffed newspaper published by The Spokesman-Review. High school student journalists who staffed the Vox made all content decisions as they learn about the trade of journalism. This blog's mission was to give students an opportunity to publish their voices. The Vox Box and the Vox wrapped up in June 2009, but you can follow former staffers' new blog at