This week’s free game: Injustice: Gods Among Us

Are you a gamer? Do you like free things? Of course you do!
We here at the Tech Deck are just like you: poor gamers looking for cheap entertainment. And nothing's cheaper than cost-free gaming. Each week, we'll bring you a title (or two or three) you can legally play at home without plopping down a single dollar. If you see games you think we should be featuring on the blog, email us at
If you're like me, you fantasized as a kid whether Batman could beat up Superman. At least, until you were older and got your hands on Frank Miller's classic 1986 miniseries "The Dark Knight Returns" and learned that the definitive answer was Bats. Well, Netherearlm - makers of the popular Mortal Kombat fighting game series - offered gamers their own experimental superhero playground with 2013's 'Injustice: Gods Among Us," and you can download the PC version for free through Steam right now, through Thursday. Click below!
Click here to download "Injustice: Gods Among Us" for free from Steam through June 25!
While Injustice is missing some of the brutality of its godfather franchise, the title is decidedly dark, especially with its single player campaign. Superman has been enraged by the Joker tricking him into killing a pregnant Lois Lane, and he begins a tyrannical rule over the world that you must stop. Injustice's roster includes 30 characters pulled straight from the pages of DC, including the more recognizable figures as well as more obscure heroes and rogues like Killer Frost, Black Adam and Solomon Grundy.
A sequel was released in 2017, which further expanded the roster.
If you're a fan of Mortal Kombat, fighting games in general or the DC Universe (let's not talk about the movies), then this one's for you! Check back soon for another free game.