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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

The Tech Deck

BattleTech Battle Report

My Father-in-law and I played a game a BattleTech, here’s a quick report of what happened. He was playing as the Clanners and I was the Inner Sphere, Northwind Highlanders. As you can probably see from his selection he is rather fond of the Madcat series of battlemechs. He drew up the map and came up with the scenario; we thought it was even as clan tech is naturally better then Inner Sphere tech.


Star of Clan Wolf

Star Commander – Diashi (100 ton Mid-Close range Assault mech) Call sign: “Unknown”

Star Warrior – Madcat Mk2 (90 ton Long range Assault mech) Call sign: “Gunner”

Star Warrior – Madcat (75 ton Mid-Close range Heavy mech) Call sign: “Bad Cat”

Star Warrior – Madcat Mk3 (55 ton Mid-Close range Heavy mech) Call sign: “Clanner”

Star Warrior – Madcat Mk3 (55 ton Mid-Close range Heavy mech) Call sign: “Tank”


Highlander Assault Lance

Lance  Commander – Marauder Mk2 (100 ton Mid range Assault mech) Call sign: “Furnace”

Lancemate – Atlas (100 ton Heavy Assault mech) Call sign: “The Hammer”

Lancemate – Rifleman Mk3 (90 ton Long range Assault mech) Call sign: “Stovepipe”

Lancemate – Longbow (85 ton Long range Assault mech) Call sign: “Tasty Angel”

Base defenses – 8 Large Laser turrets place at the far corners of the base.

The clan mechs burst from the tree line blasting away at the Highlander’s defenses destroying several of the outer turrets. The remaining turrets were out of range, but were able to spot for the Assault Lance. LRM missile barrages arched up over the walls and began chipping away at the clanner’s armor.

The Clans charged towards the main gate of the facility. The Madcat Mk2 piloted by “Gunner” split from the main force to destroy the western defenses and jump the wall into the base. Meanwhile the Assault Lance prepared to defend the gate as the doors slid open.

“Bad Cat’s” Mad Cat stood directly in front of the gates as they opened. He took the full brunt of the volley of PPC’s, missiles and Gauss Rifles. The Ferro-Fibrous armor ripped away from the ferocity of the attacks. The shielding of the nuclear core was quickly overwhelmed and went into emergency shutdown. The 75 ton mech slammed face first into the ground knocking the pilot unconscious.

“Clanner” rushed into the gate, and charged headlong at the “The Hammer’s” Atlas. The other clan mechs pushed the gate as well. Gunfire was exchanged from both sides but the heavy armor of the Inner Sphere Assault mechs held true, though heavily damaged. Atlas stomped; hard, onto the Mad Cat Mk3’s leg obliterating the Upper Leg Actuator and driving the Mad Cat into the ground.

Clanner tried to run, but with the damaged limb, it proved futile as “Hammer” pursued its limping target. With his mech’s dying breath he blasted into the “Tasty Angel’s” Longbow damaging its armor. The massive Atlas brought its foot down. Clipping the back of the torso and forcing the mech once more into the ground. Too damaged to function, the Mad Cat lay silent.

Seeing the destruction of his Star, the Diashi charged the Marauder knocking it back and taking up position inside the base. Smoke billowed from the Marauder as the Star Commander unleashed a barrage of laser fire into the damaged mech. Rending one of its arms clean off. This victory was short lived however.

As penance for his Mech’s lost arm, “Angel” orders all to fire upon the Diashi. The full might of 4 assault mechs drove headlong into the Diashi. Hypersonic Gauss Rifle rounds ripping huge holes in its armor. Lasers, plasma, missiles all crash into it. The burning remains of the Diashi slumped to the side. The cockpit breached, the pilot did not survive.

The remaining clan mechs fired a couple volleys and took off out of the base. 3 out of 5 of their star destroyed and the assault lance was almost fully functional.

I all actuality it was 11pm on a work night so we called the game, but overall it was tons of fun! Hope to do it again, I like the larger matches. Originally I had planned two Lances of Medium and Light mechs, but decided a massive Assault Lance would be more entertaining, and it was!

Hope you’ve enjoyed this battle report!

"Burn the flesh, save the metal!" - Unknown BattleMech pilot

Andrew Smith is one of The Spokesman-Review's IT gurus and resident dungeon master.