Hey Norm! ‘Thunderballs’ cast includes George Wendt and Old Spice Guy

North by Northwest has just finished filming the Spike TV pilot "Thunderballs" in Spokane, and yes, it featured a few faces you might know.
George Wendt (Norm of "Cheers") played the dad of one of the guys on the bowling team. The show is a comedy about some 30-something friends in a bowling league.
Isaiah Mustafa, best known as the hunk in the Old Spice commercials (above), also played a bowler, and a particularly athletic one. He's a former pro football player.
David Koechner, who played Champ Kind in "Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy" and Todd Packer in "The Office" played a former pro bowler.
Rich Cowan of North by Northwest said it was a 30 minute pilot. If the pilot gets picked up by Spike, it will mean regular work for a lot of local film crew people and actors. Cowan said they should know by the end of July if "Thunderballs" will become a regular industry here in Spokane.