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Leach: ‘Bright spots in all phases’


FROM PULLMAN -- Here's some of what coach Mike Leach had to say after WSU beat Southern Utah 48-10 on Saturday.

(General comments) "I thought there were real bright spots in all phases. I thought the fans were fantastic, especially our student section really turned out. Disjointed at times. I thought defensively we really heated up the second half. Offensively we did a good job of getting big plays. Had one drive where we converted a couple third-and-longs, which I thought was really good. Pretty good composure through the game. Squandered a play here and there. We’ve just got to steadily improve and get a week better."

(Offensively) "I thought we got in a good rhythm as we went on. I thought we did some good things that way and really did start to get in a rhythm, which it was a good game for us that way and something we have to continue to build on."

(Was this your best game here?) "Heck, if you beat SC that’s a pretty good performance. If you beat Washington, that’s a pretty good performance. It’s one that will help us get better. We improved a week this week."

"I thought receivers improved, Connor’s (Halliday) improved. I thought our o-line improved, so it was just a good overall effort in all phases."

(On Austin Apodaca playing) "We need to get him a few reps. I don’t think he ever entirely settled down. He needs to just settle down and go out and there and play like he does in practice. He plays real good in practice. Don’t think he ever really shook the nerves. Wish we would have had a little more time to get him more reps and get him settled down."

(On Kache Palacio) "I thought he did some good stuff. He was explosive. Would have to see the film to know for sure, but played real fast."

(What changed defensively in second half?) "Just get 'em off the field. We were just letting them move the ball too much, let them off the field on some third downs, then they really stoked it up and got turnovers. Then there were some that were close to turnovers. They were around the ball and in position and if you’re that close and you’re getting your hands on the ball, you’re going to end up with some of them. I thought they were in really good position, played real fast, I thought, the second half."

(On Riley Sorenson and Isaac Dotson seeing the field) "They’ll play some more this year. They do a good job out there. Right now they provide depth."

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