We’re back with WSU news and links
The furlough is over. Now we can get back to doing this Washington State stuff once again. Of course, a bunch of stuff happened while we were forced out of contact, so we'll try to catch up. Read on.
• Should we go chronologically or by importance? Being that the latter involves a value judgment on my part, we'll just present the links in the order they occurred. … Let's start with our story about Romeo Pellum's departure from WSU. It's a little old now, but I was unable to link it before I left. ... The two defensive backs arrested for bicycle theft in June, LeAndre Daniels and Tyree Toomer, won't face any charges. Seems the whole deal was a series of misunderstandings. ... The Pac-10 put out its annual preseason basketball prospectus last week. One of the nuggets included in the WSU section: The tentative schedule, something we've tried to put together for a while. The preseason opens with another exhibition with Lewis-Clark State and also includes games in Pullman against Mississippi Valley State (for the third consecutive season, though the first one was in Spokane), Eastern Washington, Indiana Fort-Wayne, which is also playing Gonzaga and Idaho. There are three more nonconference "home" games: Air Force in Spokane on Dec. 12, Portland State in Kennewick on Dec. 19 and the annual Seattle game Dec. 22 against LSU. The Pac-10 schedule opens and closes with the Oregon schools – yes, not UW this year. The first Arizona weekend is in the desert (the schedule on the website has both weekends in Pullman).
• That's it for this morning. We're off to Los Angeles later this week for the Pac-10 football media day but will probably have quite a few more posts before then. Until we return ...