In 1974 many schools were still in the process of starting their girls basketball programs. In spite of that, the first WIAA girls state tournament was held. Central Washington University was the site, where sixteen teams came together to decide the very first state...
The first year the city of Spokane had two public high schools was 1908. North Central opened that fall with approximately 325 students, all freshmen. South Central, formerly Spokane High, had a full component of students, totaling around 1,200.
Elra “Squinty” Hunter entered his 39th, and last, season as coach of the Lewis and Clark basketball team in 1963 with a strong group of returning players that went 20-5 the prior year. Led by Lance Brigham, Jay Bond and Bob Lobdell, the Tigers were...
Moses Lake has had from its inception one of the premiere high school wrestling programs in the state of Washington. The program, founded in 1952 by Ed Beardsley, was what other schools strived to emulate as they began their own wrestling programs.
The Harrington High basketball team was on a mission for the 1964-65 season. It had just missed winning the state B championship the prior year, losing in the final seconds to Cathlamet in the championship game.