Full agenda tonight at Spokane Valley city council
The Spokane Valley City Council meets at 4 p.m. for an executive session followed by meeting at 6 p.m. There will be news - we just don't know what it will be yet.
The executive session is not open to the public, but the ordinary 6 p.m. meeting is. One should note that this is a regular meeting which does not allow time for public comment, unless such time is added to the agenda or the council takes action on an agenda point.
It's possible that the council reaches a conclusion during its executive session that demands action (a vote) - that vote will happen at the beginning of the regular meeting at 6 p.m.
Last minute changes to the agenda may be posted on the door of city hall or show up under "news" on the city's website.
On the agenda is a presentation of bids on the new city hall and a discussion about the role of the Spokane Valley police chief. Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich is expected at the meeting.
See you all there.