Together with staff at The Spokane Valley Heritage Museum we are looking for homes in Spokane Valley constructed with river rock. The homes we are looking for don't have to be as elaborate as the original Vera Water Pump House above, but the front or…
Spokane Transit Authority is hosting a series of open houses asking the public for input on its long-range transit plan, Moving Forward. The first open house is Oct. 9 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. at Center Place, 2426 North Discovery Place. Valley residents are encouraged to show…
This evening's City Council meeting is a study session during which city staff will present research on current topics and issues facing the council. Tonight, we will hear about possible restrictions on truck parking in neighborhoods and get a briefing on proposed amendments to the…
A city is made up from the people who live there. It’s the sum of their experiences, trials, joys, victories and everyday life that makes a community what it is. One reason why I spend so much time driving around Spokane Valley and drink so...
The second week in Spokane Valley did not go quite as smoothly as the first one because the blog got a virus. Actually, I got a virus and was laid up for a day in the middle of the week, but hey, I still got...