Saturday’s highlights

Lucy Tivis, 8, and Jerrol Olson, principal of Ponderosa Elementary in Spokane Valley pose for a photo at the school Wednesday. Lucy nominated Olson to be Principal on Parade, selected by the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick. SR photo/Jesse Tinsley
Good Monday morning, everyone. As usual we have a roundup of highlights from Saturday's Valley Voice. Reporter Lisa Leinberger has a story on Ponderosa Elementary School principal Jerrol Olson, who was named this year's Principal on Parade by the Friendsly Sons of St. Patrick. Olson and the student who nominated him, 8-year-old Lucy Tivis, got to ride in Saturday's St. Patrick's Day parade.
I caught up with Ed Mertens for a look back at the numerous incorporation efforts he was involved with before the city of Spokane Valley finally incorporated in 2003. Saturday the city held a birthday bash and Mertens planned to attend to celebrate the city's success.
Correspondent Valerie Putnam has an update on the Millwood City Council meeting, where the council voted to vacate an alley behind Millwood Presbyterian Church and also tinkered with the public access language in its Shoreline Master Program.
Coming up this week, Spokane Valley Tech will have open houses on Wednesday and Thursday for high school students that will be juniors and seniors in the fall. Students can also get information on free summer classes.